
Regex to check if exact string exists

I am looking for a way to check if an exact string match exists in another string using Regex or any better method suggested. I understand that you tell regex to match a space or any other non-word character at the beginning or end of a string. However, I don't know exactly how to set it up. Search String: t String 1: Hello World, Nice...

Find Exact Matches of SURF in openCV

I am using openCV Surf tracker to find exact points in two images. as you know, Surf returns many Feature points in both images. what i want to do is using these feature parameters to find out which matches are exactly correct (true positive matches). In my application i need only true positive matches. These parameters existed : Hessia...

how to get exact search result on top in solr 1.3?

I am using Solr 1.3.This is the schema.xml of Solr 1.3. (http://pastebin.com/NwEy9Kz6). If i search for 'Hero' (e.g. +movieName:"Hero"), the Top most search document which contain the word "Hero", not the exact matching "Hero" document. e.g. Heroes, The Hero, Hero Hiralal, Heroes 2, Herold, Hero. I want the exact match word appear on t...