
send email to single ExactTarget subscriber without TriggeredSend

There is an email service ExactTarget with web service API. There are samples (in php though) for sending email to whole list instantly, or to single subscriber by triggered action. It's pretty hard to get in it's documentation, and I couldn't find explanation how to send email to a single subscriber instantly without having some trigg...

How to integrate ExactTarget with PHP

How to integrate ExactTarget with PHP ...

How to stop Python SUDS 0.4 library including unused fields?

I'm using the Python SUDS library to talk with ExactTarget. I've been using various versions (SUDS 0.3.6 under Python 2.5, SUDS 0.3.8 and 0.4 under Python 2.6) and each version seems to have its own little quibbles. I'd prefer using 0.4 (since it's the latest and seems to have good caching), but I'm getting an error with my web service ...

Can you set Exact Target to push to your server when a change happens on their end?

I am curious if any that has dealt with Exact Target has dealt with having them push changes of your subscribers to your server. Much like the Mailchimp Webhooks. I am just looking for the documentation of such feature or where it is located in the system. Thank you. ...