
What is the complete list of Simile Exhibit column formats?

In Simile Exhibit is an attribute called ex:columnFormats. After googling for a while, the best list of valid values I can find is from Simile's wiki... ex:columnFormats list of format expressions comma separated list of format expressions, e.g., "list, image, date { mode: short }" ...So, list, image, and date are valid. I've discov...

SIMILE/Exhibit using ASP.NET

Hi. Do you have an example on how to populate an SIMILE/Exhibit from a ASP.NET webService? I need to return records from a SQL database. Here is my webservice (Exhibit2.asmx): <System.Web.Services.WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _ <ToolboxItem(False)> _ Public Class Exhibit2 Inherits System.Web.Services...