
Is it bad for performance to have an App Engine expando model with a huge number of properties?

I've been using a pattern in an application where I'm setting arbitrary attributes on Expando class models in an App Engine app. This works as expected, but hasn't yet been tested with a really large data set. And over time, the number of attributes might get to be > 1000. It also makes the table in the administration console scroll fa...

Getting a custom user field value (expando) in Liferay

I added a custom user field in Liferay, and set a value on a specific user. How can I access this value programmatically? If I try this, I always get null: String customAttr = (String)user.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("customAttr"); user.getExpandoBridge().getAttribute("customAttr") returns a value of Type java.IO.Serializable. ...

Best way to add metadata to HTML elements

I'm trying to put together a way of marking up various components in HTML that get parsed by a jQuery script and created when the page loads. For example, at the moment I can put the following in to my page.. <a href="link.html" class="Theme-Button Theme-Button-Style-win2007 Theme-Button-iconLeft Theme-Button-AlignmentCenter Theme-Butt...

Expando Model in Django

Is it possible to implement 'expando' model in Django, much like Google App Engine has? I found a django app named django-expando on github but it's still in early phase. ...

Why .data() function of jQuery is better to prevent memory leaks?

Hi, Regarding to jQuery utility function jQuery.data() the online documentation says: "The jQuery.data() method allows us to attach data of any type to DOM elements in a way that is safe from circular references and therefore from memory leaks. " Why to use: document.body.foo = 52; can result a memory leak -or in what ...

Reflect on an ExpandoObject

I have written a nifty function that will accept a system.object, reflect on its properties and serialize the object into a JSON string. It looks like this: public class JSONSerializer { public string Serialize(object obj) Now, I want to be able to do this to serialize a dynamic/ExpandoObject, but because my serializer uses refle...

Tuples vs. Anonymous Types vs. Expando object. (in regards to LINQ queries)

I am a beginner who finally started understanding anonymous types. (see old post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3010147/what-is-the-return-type-for-a-anonymous-linq-query-select-what-is-the-best-way-t) So in LINQ queries you form the type of return value you want within the linq query right? It seems the way to do this is anonymou...

MongoDB NoRM: query nested objects using Expando

I saw this Q&A http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2900763/mongodb-norm-query-nested-objects, but it seems to apply to strongly-typed objects only. Is there a way to do a find or update a nested field on an Expando object (http://wiki.github.com/atheken/NoRM/expando)? Basically, I have a simple JSON CMS tool that lets developers store do...

Groovy expando dynamic set name

Is it possibly to dynamically set the class of an expando?? Having set jr = new Expando() Is there a way to def end = 'name' so that jr.end will actually give me the value stored in jr.name ...

Iterating through Expando's Dynamic properties in Django Templates

I'm trying to iterate through an Expando-Model's dynamic properties in order to output them all. Is there a way of doing this other than creating your own method like such: class Event(db.Expando): platform = db.ReferenceProperty(Platform) date = db.DateTimeProperty() def getValues(self): return self._dynamic_proper...

Is there a cross-browser way to use a jQuery selector on an expando property?

I have an ASP.NET page and I am trying to quickly match the validation controls that are tied to a particular textbox (text input) using a jQuery selector. The validation controls render as a span and the "controltovalidate" property renders as an expando property. Here is a test example: <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <he...

NHibernate XML Document in Database to Expando Object in entity

I have a SQL Server database that contains an xml column. I need to map that xml column to an expando object within my domain entity. I am using NHibernate. How do I extend NHibernate to accommodate this? I am assuming (I am new to NHibernate) that I have to override the implementation to get and set the xml data, but I don't know ho...

When Expando Class should be used in Google App Engine Apps?

What are the applications for Google App Engine Expando Class? And what are the good practices related to it? ...