
Access the value of a member expression

If i have a product. var p = new Product { Price = 30 }; and i have the following linq query. var q = repo.Products().Where(x=>x.Price == p.Price).ToList() In an IQueryable provider, I get a MemberExpression back for the p.Price which contains a Constant Expression, however I can't seem to get the value "30" back from it. Update I...

How can I generate an Expression tree that queries an object with List<T> as a property?

Forgive my clumsy explanation, but I have a class that contains a List: public class Document { public int OwnerId { get; set; } public List<User> Users { get; set; } public Document() { } } public class User { public string UserName { get; set; } public string Department { get; ...

Return nested alias for linq expression

I have the following Linq Expression var tooDeep = shoppers .Where(x => x.Cart.CartSuppliers.First().Name == "Supplier1") .ToList(); I need to turn the name part into the following string. x.Cart.CartSuppliers.Name As part of this I turned the Expression into a string and then split on the . and removed the First() argumen...

Evaluate an expression tree

Hi, This project that I'm working on requires that an expression tree be constructed from a string of single digit operands and operators both represented as type char. I did the implmentation and the program up to that point works fine. I'm able to print out the inorder, preorder and postorder traversals in the correct way. The last ...

typesafe NotifyPropertyChanged using linq expressions

Form Build your own MVVM I have the following code that lets us have typesafe NotifyOfPropertyChange calls: public void NotifyOfPropertyChange<TProperty>(Expression<Func<TProperty>> property) { var lambda = (LambdaExpression)property; MemberExpression memberExpression; if (lambda.Body is UnaryExpression) { var un...

Lambda Expression to be used in Select() query

Hi, I am trying to build a lambda expression, containing two assignments (as shown further down), that I can then pass to a Queryable.Select() method. I am trying to pass a string variable into a method and then use that variable to build up the lambda expression so that I can use it in a LINQ Select query. My reasoning behind it is ...

parsing expression trees with booleans

I am trying to parse an expression tree for a linq provider and running into a little snag with booleans. I can parse this no problems. var p = products.Where(x=>x.IsAvailable == true).ToList(); however when its written like this? var p = products.Where(x=>x.IsAvailable).ToList(); i only get a MemberAccess to look at and i can't s...

Design suggestion for expression tree evaluation with time-series data

I have a (C#) genetic program that uses financial time-series data and it's currently working but I want to re-design the architecture to be more robust. My main goals are: sequentially present the time-series data to the expression trees. allow expression trees to access previous data rows when needed. to optimize performance of the d...

How do I optimize this postfix expression tree for speed?

Thanks to the help I received in this post: I have a nice, concise recursive function to traverse a tree in postfix order: deque <char*> d; void Node::postfix() { if (left != __nullptr) { left->postfix(); } if (right != __nullptr) { right->postfix(); } d.push_front(cargo); return; }; This is an expression tree. The ...

Built-in precedence for Expression Trees?

I'm unable to find the .NET FCL built-in concept of precedence to leverage while constructing Expression Trees. Ref System.Linq.Expressions Namespace. Is this something that must be handled manually in code, or is it somehow implicit and I'm not recognizing it, maybe through helper methods or classes? I want to apply it to math operatio...

Mutating the expression tree of a predicate to target another type

Intro In the application I 'm currently working on, there are two kinds of each business object: the "ActiveRecord" type, and the "DataContract" type. So for example, we have: namespace ActiveRecord { class Widget { public int Id { get; set; } } } namespace DataContract { class Widget { public int Id { get;...

Call mvc Html Helper within custom html helper with expression parameter

I am trying to write an html helper extension within the mvc framework. public static MvcHtmlString PlatformNumericTextBoxFor<TModel>(this HtmlHelper instance, TModel model, Expression<Func<TModel,double>> selector) where TModel : TableServiceEntity { var viewModel = new PlatformNumericTextBox(); var...

C# expression tree for ordinary code

It's possible to create an expression tree, if you declare it as such. But is it possible to get an expression tree for an ordinary chunk of code such as a method or property getter? What I'm trying to do is, let's say for an order processing system, I have a class for order items: class Item : Entity { [Cascade] public Docume...

sql statement to Expression tree

I'm wondering how one would translate a sql string to an expression tree. Currently, in Linq to SQL, the expression tree is translated to a sql statement. How does on go the other way? How would you translate select * from books where bookname like '%The%' and year > 2008 into an expression tree in c#? ...

Will my LinqToSql execution be deffered if i filter with IEnumerable<T> instead of IQueryable<T>?

I have been using these common EntityObjectFilters as a "pipes and filters" way to query from a collection a particular item with an ID: public static class EntityObjectFilters { public static T WithID<T>(this IQueryable<T> qry, int ID) where T : IEntityObject { return qry.SingleOrDefault<T>(item => item.ID == ID)...

Calling a Generic Method using Lambda Expressions (and a Type only known at runtime)

You can use Lambda Expression Objects to represent a lambda as an expression. How do you create a Lambda Expression Object representing a generic method call, if you only know the type -that you use for the generic method signature- at runtime? For example: I want to create a Lambda Expression Objects to call: public static TSource L...

What are some examples of MemberBinding linq expressions?

There are three possibilities, but I can't find examples: System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment System.Linq.Expressions.MemberListBinding System.Linq.Expressions.MemberMemberBinding I want to write some unit tests to see if I can handle them, but I don't know how to write them except for the first one, which seems to be new Foo { ...

Using an existing IQueryable to create a new dynamic IQueryable

I have a query as follows: var query = from x in context.Employees where (x.Salary > 0 && x.DeptId == 5) || x.DeptId == 2 order by x.Surname select x; The above is the original query and returns let's say 1000 employee entities. I would now like to use the first query to deconstruct it and recreate a new query that would...

How to check the type of a Parameter in an Expression Tree (similar to 'is' keyword)

How do I check the type of a Parameter in an Expression Tree (and get the Expression Tree equivalent of a bool if it the right type)? If it were normal code, I would do this: if(myObj is int) I see there is a Expression.Convert method but this converts the object instead of just checking its type. EDIT: I found the answer, you use a ...

dynamic query using expression tree

I have a form in which the user will choose the following from dropdown lists: table_name columnName_to_sort_by columnName_to_search_in The user shall enter Search_text in a text box The form shall draw data from many tables. I want to avoid writing the sort and search for every field for each of the tables. This is w...