
Is there an ORM out there that supports ESE?

Well, I started writing a managed ORM for ESE based on the ESE interop project. I was wondering if anyone knows of any other ORMs out there that support ESE? ...

How to do a Extensible Storage Engine (JetBlue) repair in code?

I'm using ESE (JetBlue) in an app, when JetAttachDatabase is called it returns JET_errDatabaseDirtyShutdown. What am I supposed to do in my app? my desire is for any uncommeted transactions to be deleted ...

ESE column type to XmlSerialize arbitrary objects

What's the best ESE column type to XmlSerialize an object to my ESE DB? Both "long binary" and "long ASCII text" work OK. Reason for long binary: absolutely sure there's no characters conversation. Reason for long text: the XML is text. It seems MSDN says the 2 types only differ when sorting and searching. Obviously I'm not going to ...

how to get AutoIncrement value after JetUpdate() in Extensible Storage Engine (JetBlue)

after calling JetSetColumns() and then JetUpdate() how do I retrieve the values for any freshly assigned autoincrement values? ...

Can I access an ESE database that is already in use?

The windows ESE engine API call JetAttachDatabase have a readonly option. Can I use this to mount a database that is already mounted by another process? ...

How to cap memory usage by Extensible Storage Engine (JetBlue)?

I have an app that every so often hits a ESE database quite hard and then stops for a long time. After hitting the database memory usage goes way up (over 150MB) and stays high. I'm assuming ESE has lots of cached data. Is there a way to cap the memory usage by ESE? I'm happy to suffer any perf hit the only way I've seen to drop the...

in ESE (JetBlue) is there a way to limit a search with multiple keys?

In Extensbile Strage Engine (ESE/JetBlue) I've got a table that contains data I'd like to locate using two indexes assuming that each row has three integers X, Y, and Z. I'd like to quickly locate all the rows where X=10 and Y=20 (for example) the resulting set would contain all the entries where X=10, Y=20, and Z= whever Z happened t...