
External dependencies / Header files

In a windows MSVC6.0 compiler, if there is a workspace with one project in it, what files would be in the Header Files folder and what files would be in the External Dependencies folder? I thought those files which are explicitly included (#include <*.h> are to be in the Header Files folder and thsoe which are in turn included by add...

How do you manage external dependencies for your application?

There are many types of external dependencies. Interfacing with external applications, components or services (e.g. Outlook to send emails, TWAIN or WIA for scanning, ActiveX objects and Web services for various purposes, and so on). What is your strategy for making sure that your application is robust, and can run even when such extern...

Beginner C++ Question - Unresolved external symbols!

Don't be too hard on me! Simply put: foo.h: #include "bar.h" class foo { private: bar it; void DoIt(); } bar.h: class bar { public: void Test(); } foo.cpp: void foo::DoIt() { it.Test(); } This will result in a: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol Why? ...

How do I limit an external DLL to one CPU?

I have a program that I would like to run on just one CPU so it doesn't take up too much system resources. The problem is, it makes a call into an external DLL that automatically uses all available CPU cores. I do not have the source code to the external DLL. How can I limit the DLL to only using one CPU? EDIT: Thanks for the help, here...

Detect When Flash Loads Remote Item

I have a flash player that loads in some additional features from flash files on other sites... for example, the main flash player on on site1, but it displays an animation that is actually housed on site2. How can I detect when (and where) the main flash player is going to for information? Can I trace the network traffic somehow to se...

Simple Apache Ant Question: Including library dependencies.

Hey guys, I can't quite figure out how to add all of my .jar dependencies to my client jar. This is what I have so far: <target name="create-metrics-client" depends="clean,build"> <jar destfile="sd-metrics-client.jar" basedir="${build.home}"> <manifest> <attribute name="Main-Class" value="com.mycompany.client.M...

Information Hiding vs. Hidden Dependencies

Dear StackOverflow, What are some common best practices in procedure (or function, module, etc.) design for balancing the desire for information hiding and an appropriate level of abstraction in the procedure's interface with the problems inherent in introducing hidding dependencies? To be more concrete, suppose I code a procedure call...

How might I handle development versions of Python packages without relying on SCM?

One issue that comes up during Pinax development is dealing with development versions of external apps. I am trying to come up with a solution that doesn't involve bringing in the version control systems. Reason being I'd rather not have to install all the possible version control systems on my system (or force that upon contributors) an...

Exporting external classes into JAR - Eclipse

I have few class files that are required for my project. I have added them in the source folder itself in appropriate folder structure. My limitation is that I have to deliver a single jar file with all dependent classes. It cannot be an executable jar file. Now the problem I am facing is that when I selected export in eclipse to export...

Project management and bundling dependencies

I've been looking for ways to learn about the right way to manage a software project, and I've stumbled upon the following blog post. I've learned some of the things mentioned the hard way, others make sense, and yet others are still unclear to me. To sum up, the author lists a bunch of features of a project and how much those features...

Multiple Projects, Common Module

I have a library of common functions that I use in several different projects, which works fine on my local machine where I can just add the path to the library, but now that I've put several of my projects on GoogleCode, I'm not sure how to deal with the external library. Do I put copies of it in each project and try to keep them all sy...