
Error in facebook api using php SDK

I am using facebook PHP SDK to access the friend list include_once("../fb-config.php"); include_once("../facebook.php"); try{ $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'FACEBOOK_APP_ID', 'secret' => 'FACEBOOK_SECRET', 'cookie' => true, // enable optional cookie support )); $uid=$facebook->getUser(); $data = $f...

Retrieve total number of friends a registered user to a facebook app

Hi, i have a facebook app, in wich the administrator of the app needs a report of the users registered to this app and one of the data i need is to get how many friends does a user registered to my app has, i was trying with fql using a query like this $facebook->api_client->fql_query("select uid2 from friend where uid1=$userId"); but ...

Facebook Query Language Troubles - Trying to get link_stats.

Hey guys, So I'm trying to learn how to get link stats for a URL using Facebook's API. This is what I have here: require "application/libraries/facebook.php"; // Create our Application instance (replace this with your appId and secret). $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'APP ID WAS HERE', 'secret' =>...

How to publish LIKE feature for Photo/Video using object_id we get from Photo/Album/Video table.

Hi, How to publish LIKE feature for Photo/Video using object_id we get from Photo/Album/Video table. Comments.add has object_id, through which we can publish comments on any photo/album/Video. but how to LIKE the same. Thanks in Advance :-) ...

Ways to query Facebook Graph "do I like x?"

Hi, I'm setting up my app to basically do what the FBML 'like' button does: like, unlike and show like count, for objects from the user's "me/home" stream. I have no problem doing any of the above functions, but I'm having a very tough time getting the api to tell me if the user likes the thing already (so I can set the button to 'unlike...

Is it possible to only post fxml comments without letting a user enter a comment by themself?

Hello, Im want to let the user to see the comments done to a topic without giving him the opportunity to enter a comment by his one! Is this possible with fxml? canpost="false" doesn't work for any reason... Is this possible at all? Thanks Markus ...

facebook fql query to retrieve friends posted items

Is there any fql statements allowed by facebook that helps to fetch contents of this page through an application interface: http://www.facebook.com/posted.php I know the links table returns the posted item for a logged in user (http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql/links). I need the same but for the logged-in user's friends....

Facebook API - FQL get wall of fan page

Hey guys, In PHP im trying to get all the posts on a wall of a particular fan page which includes the fan's post and also the fans of that page posts. Does anybody know how to do it? i keep on getting Error Exceptions?! MY FQL query is currently SELECT post_id, viewer_id, actor_id, message, attachment, comments, likes, privacy, i...

how to query ALL the pages that a facebook user shared with "like it" button, using the Facebook API

hello, I am trying to get ALL the pages that a Facebook user shared with the "like it" button. No luck so far to get them all (some work, but some others don't). I tried the graph API https://graph.facebook.com/me/likes And FQL select object_id from like WHERE user_id = [userId] But, testing with my profile, I am still missing man...

Facebook: how preload FQL works?

On "Advanced" tab of my app settings I've seen "Preload FQL" option with description "Facebook will send the result of these FQL queries as JSON-encoded POST parameters to your Canvas URL". I set it: { "test": { "pattern": ".*", "query": "SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = {*user*}" } } but it doesn't post anything related into my a...

how to use fql query

i am new at facebook application development i want to know how fql query works i used it in my application but i want to know where fql query results are displayed or how they can be displayed if you can't explain plz send me the link becoz the offical documentation did'nt helped me either ...

Facebook video format

I'm writing an application which allows user to log in his account on facebook and may see his photos, videos etc. and I have problem with video. I'm working on device, which support formats like *.mp4, but not *.flv. Is it possible to get link to the video via FQL in requested format? ...

Not able to pull more than 100 comments per post

We are trying to get the data from facebook. When trying to get all the comments using the fql query facebook is returning less than 100 comments per post. Following is the fql query used. SELECT text,id FROM comment WHERE post_id in (select post_id from stream where source_id=**** and actor_id = ****) also tried SELECT text,id F...

How to check is website visitor fan of my facebook page?

Hi,can someone help me please how to check is visitor on my website fan of my facebook page,thanks in advance. Regards ...

How do I get the Facebook Server Time?

Hi, I have created a facebook iframe app using Flash on the client and .net on the server. I am using fluorineFX to communicate between the two. I need to get the exact facebook server time from my server. This is for authenticating the user on my server so I don't want to get the time from the client and then pass it to the server. Th...

Retrieve individual like counts across an entire domain

My domain is: http://rentmaps.com There are individual pages that represent apartments, such as this: http://rentmaps.com/address/31/35-Conwell-Ave,-Somerville-MA-02144 I have put Like buttons on each of the individual pages, allowing users to like any of the associated houses. I would like to be able to query the Graph API to pull d...