
What is the API for facebook 'profile stream' aka Wall posts?

Is there an API call, and if so, which call to get the 'posts to my wall from myself and others' on Facebook? It seems like it could be filtered out of the facebook stream API, but it's not clear how that works to me. This link seems to imply it's possible: http://developers.facebook.com/news.php?blog=1&story=225 Thanks! ...

Play my videos in facebook's wall (like YouTube)

We have a webpage that is the largest video sharing page in Slovenia (www.mojvideo.com). If somebody posts a link to a video on FB it's just displayed as a link (video's thumb does apear next to it). What I would like now is that FB would post this like YouTube videos where you can watch the video directly on FB. I have all the relevant ...

Is there a way to insert an @mention into a Facebook status update posted with pyfacebook?

I have some code like the following in my application: message = "Hi, @John Doe!" postID = fb.stream.publish( message = loader.render_to_string('wall_post.phtml', {'message':message}), action_links = simplejson.dumps([{'text': "Check out blah", 'href': "http://blah.dev"}]), target_id = 'nf' ) Is there any way to represent ...

Facebook Policies: Can my application automatically post stories to my Facebook stream?

According to the Facebook Platform Policies: You must not pre-fill the user_message parameter or content sent via an extended permission (such as a status update or note), unless the user generated the content earlier in the workflow. Does that mean that I can't publish stories to the stream automatically, even if the use...

DB structure for Twitter home/Facebook wall?

Basically a live feed of all your friends' recent posts. In a stupid sort of approach I think I'd start by building a query like: SELECT * FROM tblposts WHERE userid=friend_id_1OR userid=friend_id_2...... and so on Where friend_id_% is the userid of a friend from your friends list. But this must be a very inefficient way of doing it...

post content to facebook wall

I just need a php based script for my website where in i have a textbox and a button and whatever i write into it gets posted into my facebooks wall .. Also prior to this i will be logged into facebook ...