
JSF faces config file outside WEB-INF?

When creating multiple faces config files, it is correct to have the faces-config.xml outside of WEB-INF? The JSF spec does not seem to be very clear about this (Section 10.1.3) If yes, how should this faces-config.xml be declared in web.xml? the paths generated by IDE's (like Eclipse/JDev) generally use something like: <context-param>...

JSF 1.2 NavigationHandler custom navigation

Hello. I am trying to extend the NavigationHandler in JSF 1.2, and to keep a stack of the visited pages (more precisely, the view-ids, along with the action and the output). I try to implement a custom action, such as "go_back", that will take me back to the previous page. My current NavigationHandler: import javax.faces.application....

Shared faces-config.xml across web project

I am trying to come up with a common UI framework for my organization. I want to know can I have something called shared faces-config.xml file which can be shared across projects. ...

Class parameter in Faces Config

Is there a way to pass a class into a property as a Class object? i.e. <managed-property> <property-name>clazz</property-name> <value>java.lang.Double.class</value> </managed-property> ...

JSF: Using same jsp page for different outcomes

Would it be possible to use a navigation-case as shown below with the same view-id but different from-outcomes? In the managed bean, I wanted to compare the from-outcome values and decide on the group panel that I would display on the page. How can I get the from-outcome value in my managed bean? <navigation-case> <from-outcome>modi...

JSF Managed Property question

I have a search page that I'll called "Parent." The search page references a country lookup page that I'll call "Child." When the user selects a country on Child's page and clicks on OK, I set the country back into the parent page. I do this by calling a method on the Parent page called "UpdateCountryCodeWithLookupValue(Child child)" ...

JSF 2.0 Problem (faces-config)

We have faces-config.xml in JSF 1.0 where we entry about managed-beans, dependencies & navigations etc. I was developing a sample project using JSF 2.0. But, as I don't know annotation, I need to include face-config.xml externally. Please, provide the solution for it, as in JSF 2.0 we don't need to include it. What is reason behind it? ...

Jsf library with web.xml

Jsf library (that is included in WEB-INF/lib) might contain its own faces-config.xml file. Is it possible for such a library to include also its own web.xml file? ...

Spring El Expression

I'm switching from faces-config to Spring and wanted to know how you can pass a property from one bean to another: e.g. <bean id="myBean" class="Bean1"> </bean> <bean id="myBean2" class="Bean2"> <constructor-arg ref="#{myBean1.value}"/> </bean> ...

CommandLink navigation doesn't work in JSF

Hi, i wanted to use the navigation-rule feature of my faces-config.xml (JSF 2.0) but I have some problems with it. I have three files (index.xhtml,index2.html,index3.xhtml) and they look like this: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"&gt; <htm...

where did this faces-config.pageflow.xml file come from?

I am migrating an application to jsf 1.2 and now out of the blue there is a new .metadata folder in the project root with a WebConent folder inside there with a WEB-INF folder still deeper and inside there we now have a super important looking faces-config.pageflow file. I open it up and see it has references to all of my included files...

Requested resource not found for sub-context in case of JSF

My JSF application is deployed under tomcat and server.xml is configured as follows for my application <Host name="myapp.com" appBase="/home/myapp/public_html"> <Alias>www.myapp.com</Alias> <Context path="" reloadable="true" docBase="/home/myapp/public_html" debug="1"/> <Context path="/manager" debug="0" privileged=...

JSF Page Navigation: If A.jsf navigate to B.jsf via hyperlink, why the URL display A.jsf instead of B.jsf

If A.jsf have a commandLink that will navigation to B.jsf, then I would think when I am at page B.jsf, I see http:domain/host/project/B.jsf as the URL. However, I see http:domain/host/project/A.jsf on my address bar. I am always ONE behind when displaying the URL in navigation control. Is there away to fix this? My navigation control is ...

Absolute to Relative Paths in faces-config.xml for JSP files using Netbeans

Hi there... I'm using netBeans 6.7.1 for mac, and I'm working on a java EE project that has a web project that uses jsf framework. The problem comes when I add a new file to the project, the faces-config shows me the file with an absolute path and when I set the navigation, it seems not to work... then erase the absolute path leaving /...