
Name Value pairs and fact tables

I'm working on a star schema for analysis of posted form data. The site that the form data will be posted to is actually external to the site hosting the form, so only the data in the form will be available. I'm going to give the option to include some extra useful information with hidden fields, original referrer, session id etc. I'll ...

Reporting Queries: Best Way to Join Multiple Fact Tables?

I'm working on a reporting system that allows the user to arbitrarily query a set of fact tables, constraining on multiple dimension tables for each fact table. I've written a query-builder class that automatically assembles all the correct joins and subqueries based on the constraint parameters, and everything works as designed. But, I...

what if a fact table/view is a template(meant to contain only table structure but no data)?

I noticed that the fact tables used in a cube were actually views. Infact they were the templates of the fact tables (i noticed it in the script that "where 1=2" was used for the fact-views). So, if the template is used, there wont be any data in the view at any cost (and i dont know if I can insert in the view becasue I dont have inse...

cube partitions: is the fact table in the DSV designer just one of the cube partitions?

There are 16 partitions for a fact table. All 16 of them have the same structure and have the same aggregation scheme. 15 of them contains data and while the 16th contains no data. So, is the fact table in the DSV designer just one of those partitions? (the name in the header matches one of the partitions though) if it is so, then w...

ssas cube: How is the data being pulled?

If there is single partition for a measure group, aggregation designed 0%, partition table being used as an empty table (a template), how does the cube browser still show data for the measure in that measure group. FYI: The partitions are generally created monthwise like vw_fact_patronrevenue_2007_1, vw_fact_patronrevenue_2007_2 and so ...

Fact table with multiple facts

I have a dimension (SiteItem) has two important facts: perUserClicks perBrowserClicks however, within this dimension, I have groups of values based on an attribute column (let's call the groups AboveFoldItems, LeftNavItems, OnTheFlyItems, etc.) each have more facts that are specific to that group: AboveFoldItems: eyeTime, loadTime...

Loading Fact Table + Lookup / UnionAll for SK lookups.

I got to populate FactTable with 12 lookups to dimension table to get SK's, of which 6 are to different Dim Tables and rest 6 are lookup to same DimTable (type II) doing lookup to same natural key. Ex: PrimeObjectID => lookup to DimObject.ObjectID => get ObjectSK and got other columns which does same OtherObjectID1 => lookup to DimOb...

SQL Server Insert Query on Fact Table

Okay, so I have this problem with my Fact Table. I need it to automatically be filled when a new data is entered on all the other tables in the database which has a foreign key on my Fact Table. In my stored procedure, I compiled all the insert statements I have and at the end, since I also want to update my Fact Table, I place this quer...

Design of a data warehouse with more than one fact tables

Hi, I'm new to data warehousing. First, I wan't to precise than my copy of The Datawarehouse Toolkit is on it's way to my mailbox (snail mail :P). But I'm already studying all this stuff with what I find on the net. What I don't find on the net, however, is what to do when you seems to have more than one fact in a DW. In my case (insurr...