
Maven Multi-Module builds not honoring failsafe-maven-plugin?

I recently discovered that Hudson was not the problem. In actuality it was Maven itself as the multi-module build was causing the build failure, not Hudson. I just hadn't noticed where the issue actually existed. Leaving the original question here. I'm using the failsafe-maven-plugin to run some integration tests. The difference be...

fail-safe .htaccess ?

I've recently had to put some code into a different server and my .htaccess file fails miserably. I can stripe out all the parts I don't need but the thing is I'd like to have it on source-control (one file serves many scenarios). Can we have fail-safe rules? I think I'm looking for an if else clause here. # IF THIS IS ALLOWED DO IT # ...

Fail safe code for cgi python scripts

Coming from mostly C++ I'm relatively new to python and probably far from thinking in pythonic ways. Recently my web hoster activated python as cgi for my web space. I got an email asking me to test any python scripts on a local server (xampp, ...) since my web space is hosted on a productivity server. Now my question is: What would be...