
Calculate Family Relationship from Genealogical Data

I would like to be able to calculate the family relationship between two individuals in a family tree, given the following data schema (simplified from my actual data schema, only showing columns that directly apply to this problem): individual ---------- id gender child ---------- child_id father_id mother_id With this structure, ho...

Family tree layout with Dot/GraphViz

I am trying to draw a family tree with Dot and GraphViz. This is what I currently have: # just graph set-up digraph simpsons { ratio = "auto" mincross = 2.0 # draw some nodes "Abraham" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ; "Mona" [shape=box, regular=1, color="pink"] ; "Clancy" [shape=box, regular=1, color="blue"] ; "Jackel...

SQL database design

I am making a database for a program where i am supposed to model some relations in the family. ex: X is father to Y , Y is son to X So , i have a Members table with all info about each member so i thought about making a many to many relation between the Members table and itself so that the Member_Member bridge table will be having the ...

Represent a directory tree family-tree style

How can I output a representation of a directory tree in a family-tree style like this one where one to ten are directories at different levels under the root directory? root | ----------------------------- | | | | one two t...