
Will browsers request /favicon.ico or <link> first?

I want to set a favicon to be requested from a static file server instead of the main web server for performance optimization. If I specify a <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://cdn.site.com/favicon.ico"&gt; but also have a /favicon.ico in my site root as a fallback, which will browsers prefer? Will browsers (and which?) still look ...

Favicon missing on select pages

This is the inverse of every favicon question you've ever heard. :-) I've got my favicon working on all pages and across all browsers, save 1 situation. The icon doesn't show up in Firefox and Google Chrome on my sign in page -- https://fwdvault.com/signin IE, Opera, and Safari pick it up just fine. The logic that builds the header is...

jQuery to force all favicon.ico requests to the correct location?

I do not have server side access... I'm trying to present a custom favicon from a hosted wiki service that provides scripting and CSS access, but presents it's own favicon to all it's users. Is it possible to do something like this but with jQuery? If so, how? ...

Does favicon.ico need to reside in that same directory of index.html?

I am already using the standard way of adding a favicon: <link rel="icon" type="image/gif" href="/graphics_card/favicon.gif"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/graphics_card/favicon.ico"> so the favicon.gif and .ico are both supposed to reside on /graphics_card However, I found that IE 8 (or maybe other IE) cannot show it, (update:...

Why does browser show smaller favicon?

In our client's website, favicon.ico file has several sizes from 8x8 to 32x32. I expect the 16x16 to show in browser tab, but instead it shows 8x8 icon in white frame. Why does this happen and what workarounds are there? ...

Are cross-domain favicons a security risk?

I have a site of user-submitted news articles, and an idea I had for a feature was to grab the favicon on the target site to display along with the link. The methodology for grabbing the favicon would be checking for the favicon.ico file on the target server. Would displaying that icon as an image open any hole? Could there be some so...

favicon dissapears

Hello, Does anyone know why the favicon dissapears Background: I have my site made according to mvc So, I will have a frontcontroller and a main layout All the other views will be loaded in the $content variable from the main layout. The main layout holds the tags withe the link rel "shortcut favicon". The favicon dissapears when I...

Chrome User Script Checking for new Tweets

Hey guys, so I have a tab for twitter.com open all the time in Chrome and I've written a userscript that checks the document title every so often for new tweets. Since the Twitter web interface automatically checks, it will show (2) Twitter / Home as the title if there are two new tweets. Everything works as I want it to, and right now I...

favicon animation

While visiting Dean Edward's site, I saw that the favicon was animated ;). Cute. But how does one do that? ...

ASP.Net MVC - Why is a controller being created for favicon.ico?

I am using a custom ControllerFactory (to use Castle Windsor's IOC to create controllers), and I notice it's getting requests to create a controller for "favicon.ico". I have put a favicon.ico file in my Content folder, but I'm still getting these requests. How do I resolve this and serve static content without trying to create controll...

How can I retrieve the favicon of a website?

I want to list featured websites on my website and I thought it would be cool to honor and use their favicon. How do I get it from the domain for an arbitrary URL in either JSP or XSLT? I can fire off PHP or javascript, but XSLT is the preferred methodology. ...

Why doesnt browser show favicon after deployment

Hi, I have a asp.net mvc web application an it uses some favicon.ico. Now when I move it to IIS 7, as an application, the favicon stops being presented even when I try to enter the full address to the favicon. The icon is still there; the full address works in the browser to find the icon alone, but not within the applications master pag...

HTML: can my favicon be on a CDN instead of /favicon.ico?

Does my favicon.ico have to be stored at the root of my domain? Or can I have my favicon stored on another domain? Meaning, from www.example.com, is this valid? <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://MY-CDN.example.com/favicon.ico" /> What I want to do is serve my www.example.com favicon from my CDN. Is this okay? Any negatives I sho...

Get website's favicon with JS

Hello ! I am wondering if it is possible to get a website's favicon by an URL with JavaScript. For example I have an URL http://www.bbc.co.uk/ and I would like to get path to favicon described in <link rel="icon" .../> meta tag - http://www.bbc.co.uk/favicon.ico. I have many URLs so that should not load every page and search for li...

Can i use a GIF animation as favicon for my website

I need to get some animated effects for favicon on my site. How can i do this?. Help me ...

How to make favicon animation loop continuously?

I am using a favicon on my site with 30 frames for the animation. After the favicon 30th frame plays, the animation stops. I need the favicon to loop continuously. How can I achieve that? ...

Cannot get Favicon.ico to display

Hey guys, I have copied my favicon.ico file to my Apache document root. I had to add an Apache Rewrite exception for it and now it is accessible from www.example.com/favicon.ico. But when I hit my main URL it does not show up. I thought all you had to do was copy the file with the correct permissions into the doc root? Do I need t...

How do I force a favicon refresh

I have a Grails application running locally using its own tomcat and I have just changed the favicon for a new one. Problem is that I can't see it in any browser. The old favicon shows up or I get no favicon at all, but not my new one. I don't think this is a Grails issue per se, more an issue wth favicons. What is supposed to happen...

Load remote favicon and then convert to png with PHP before loading into AS3.

As of now I am using cURL to load a remote favicon, but it outputs it as a .ICO, which AS3 will not load. I tried to convert the .ICO with imagepng, but that caused errors. Is there a way I can load a remote favicon and convert it to a png with PHP before loading it into AS3 without relying on Google's s2? Some of the code: snip $imag...

Web: Favicon dimensions?

I have a favicon with the dimensions of height=26px / width=20px named favicon.png <link href=http://www.example.com/images/favicon.png rel="shortcut icon" /> However, in my browser, my favicon.png is all distorted. Question: Is my favicon.png suppose to be a particular size/dimension? Also, can I use a none standard size/dimension a...