
Is there any reason why an asp:Button will work but an asp:LinkButton will not?

I am building an admin portal for a helpdesk. On one page I have a dropdown with a LinkButton, and another a dropdown with a Button. Both buttons redirect to the page they are clicked from by firing off a Response.Redirect(), like so: Response.Redirect(String.Format("article.aspx?action={0}", ActionDropDown.SelectedValue), False) This...

FCKeditor Toolbar in asp

I have a custom toolbar defined in a config.js file for an FCKeditor. I am not sure how to go about implementing this toolbar in asp. Any help would be great. ...

FCKEditor doesn't set Value property on postback!

I'm using FCKEditor on my asp.net web page. It appears beautifully, and the editor looks really good on the front end. Only problem is, the .Value property is not being set on the postback. No matter what changes the user makes to the value of the control on the page, when I click "Submit", the .Value property remains blank. I have G...

Strange Crash with FckEditor IE and Image Moving

Hi, We have used FCKEditor for a long time and been very happy with it. Just recently though a new problem has occurred. If we insert an image into html and save it, then fine. If we then move the image around inside the the text and re-save (i.e. Get the html from the control for saving to a db) then IE crashes (FF does not of course)...

FCKEditor - how to make a simple plugin?

I have a site that uses the FCKEditor. I'd like to make an incredibly simple plugin: when a user selects text and then hits MyPluginIcon, the editor surrounds the text in a span tag with a specific class. So it's just like the Bold or Italic button, but for: <span class="blah">EtcEtc</span> I am far from a JS expert, so I have been ...

What's the best way to embed HTML within a HTML page in a content management system?

I'm in the process of building a content management system for a scientific journal. The system is designed with content "blocks" that editors can manipulate using the FCKEditor. I am trying to display these "blocks" read-only in the system without the editor. My concern is "rogue" HTML that could break the rest of the page if the HTM...

Fckeditor paste from word bug (text goes to top)

Whenever I try to paste from word into an FCKeditor instance (IE7), it recognizes that I'm trying to paste from word and asks me if I would like to cleanup the text first, if I hit cancel, it adds the text to where my cursor is, if I hit ok and I paste the text into the 'paste from word' screen, it cleans up the text correctly but it add...

Can I embed video using FCKeditor?

I need to create a Wiki using FCKeditor in which I want to provide the flexibility of embedding videos by users. Does FCKeditor support video embedding? If not, are there any plug-ins available for FCKeditor? ...

Rich Text IDE

Hi, Does anyone know of a javascript based Rich Text box that behaves a bit like an IDE so that in a management system I can provide a text area for CSS and/or one for HTML to be written into the box and the input is colour coded like it is if you edit in Notepad++, Visual Studio etc Customsiation of the colours would be superb but cert...

FCKEditor in asp.net-mvc

How to add FCKEditor in MVC application? How to show database value comes in model, in FCKEditor? ...

how to use FCKeditor 2.4.1 with struts 1.2.9?

I have project use FCKeditor integrates with struts1.2.9, but I cant search any guide, plz help me, thanks u very much. :) ...

How do you use FCKEditor's image upload and browser with mod-wsgi?

I am using FCKEditor within a Django app served by Apache/mod-wsgi. I don't want to install php just for FCKEditor andI see FCKEditor offers image uploading and image browsing through Python. I just haven't found good instructions on how to set this all up. So currently Django is running through a wsgi interface using this setup: impor...

Ruby on Rails - FCKEditor Absolute Image Path Ruby

I am using the FCKEditor wysiwyg editor, and was wondering if anyone figured out how to use the absolute path instead of relative path after you add an image in the editor? And if so, how. ...

how to create rich text area dynamically in client browser

i am uses wysiwg... rich text area and i want to create it dynamically at run time also i uses FCKeditor and try to create new rich text area at run time but here i can' create dynamic rich text area at run time in browser also when i create new one data in old rich text area mist be persist its value ...

Display FCKeditor input data in HTML format on same page, as user types?

I am currently playing around with the FCKEditor, and I am trying to replicate how stack overflow shows exactly how your post will look in HTML as you type it up. My FCKEditor creates just fine, I just don't know how to go about accessing the editor data once it is created. What I want to do is get the html from the editor and then put...

Permission Denied error when uploading files in FCKEditor

I recently moved my asp.net appliaction from windows 2003 / IIS 6 to windows IIS7. No other changes, but now the file upload for the fckeditor doesn't work anymore. Anyone know the obvious mistake I made here. :) Thanks ...

FCKeditor disable using javascript not working

<script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'content' ) ; oFCKeditor.BasePath = "js/Javascript/fckeditor/" ; oFCKeditor.Height = 300; oFCKeditor.Width = 600; oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ; } function fnenable(){ var myValue=document.getElementById("checkbox1").check...

FCKEditor File Upload - Not working on production server - "Invalid File"

I have FCKEditor (2.6.4) working on my development machine with the aspx connector for file upload (it's an asp.net website), but I cannot figure out how to get it working on the production machine. Arrgh. Have spent 4 hours on this and gotten nowhere. By all appearances it seems to be a permissions issue, but: I've double and tripl...

Using jQuery to grab the content from CKEditor's iframe

Hey guys, I have this custom written CMS that uses CKEditor *(FCKEditor v3) for editing content. Along with that I'm using the jQuery Validation plugin to check all fields for error prior to ajax-based submission. For passing on the data to the PHP backend, I'm using the serialize() function. Problem is, serialize manages to grab...

Code editor plugin for MS outlook 2003?

I constantly find myself sending .NET code snippets to other developers using MS outlook email. Is there a code editor plugin I can use that can help in formatting and copy/paste (something like SO editor? ...