
Why does PROC FCMP function always return 33 bytes and no more?

I have the following function defined via PROC FCMP. The point of the code should be pretty obvious and relatively straightforward. I'm returning the value of an attribute from a line of XHTML. Here's the code: proc fcmp outlib=library.funcs.crawl; function getAttr(htmline $, Attribute $) $; /*-- Find the position of the ...


I copy the code from a paper that i found on internet. proc fcmp outlib=work.funcs.Test; function whatAmI(); return(42); endsub; quit; options cmplib=work.funcs; data _null_; rci = whatAmI(); put rci=; /* should be 42 */ run; When I execute the code, it show the message: ERROR 68-185: The function WHATAMI...