
Subversion feature branch requires changes from another feature branch

I have two feature branches: featureA and featureB. FeatureA is complete, but not merged into trunk because it's untested and we're not ready to test it yet. I'm working on featureB, and have realised that a change implemented in featureA is required for me to continue. What's the best approach? I think I have a couple of options: O...

Subversion: Merging subtrees vs. merge-tracking

Brought forward from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1525027/subversion-feature-branch-requires-changes-from-another-feature-branch I have two feature branches: "FeatureA" and "FeatureB". FeatureA is complete, but not merged to trunk because it's not been confirmed whether it should go in the next release or not. FeatureB is in...

Merging feature branches to release branch instead of trunk

I have a question about two source control scenarios, both with feature branches and release branches: In scenario 1 feature branches are merged to the trunk. In scenario 2 feature branches are merged to the latest release branch. What are the consequences of scenario 2 compared to scenario 1? What are the possible advantages and di...

Is using “feature branches” compatible with refactoring?

“feature branches” is when each feature is developed in its own branch and only merged into the main line when it has been tested and is ready to ship. This allows the product owner to choose the features that go into a given shipment and to “park” feature that are part written if more important work comes in (e.g. a customer phones up...