I have been tasked with implementing user switching in a component that connects to a WCF service using federated security.
I can use Tokenclaims.ReadClaim() to find out what username is currently logged on.
How do I invalidate this token and force another logon?
I have tried changing the username and password on the credentials, but ...
How can use the Windows Identity Foundation SDK with Windows XP ?
Just a sidenote: I'm not sure whether I should post this to serverfault as well, because some MOSS admin may have some info for me as well?
Additional note 1: I've found this document (Asp.net MVC 2 & Sharepoint integration) if anybody with sufficient expirience is willing to comment on its content whether this can be used in my ...
I am trying to use Federated authentication on Azure. I found a example of having a local sts outside azure which is used for authentication from a web role hosted in azure. This works perfectly.
My issue is, i dont want to have an application outside azure. Instead, I want to host the local sts website also in azure. So in effe...
I've recently bumped into this issue: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/Geneva/thread/adcdd533-d5e3-4af9-b3f5-b9a6d06b5c44?prof=required
Does anyone have any ideas around this?
I see that Federated Identity stores Security token to a cookie, after its first request to the STS(Secure Token Service). In that case if I disable cookie in my browser, how does it work.
Does the authentication module again connects to the STS to retrieve the user information or
will it throw any error ?
Is there any way th...
(This question is not about programming, but about how to avoid doing any programming. Also, lots of terminology in here-- I'm assuming someone with an answer will already know what they mean.)
Background: I'm working on single sign-on in an environment with 'federated identity'. We have several products that are federation-aware (usi...
Does anyone know a Sharepoint 2010 API for adding a new trusted identity token issuer (aka identity provider)?
I can do this using the PS cmdlet New-SPTrustedIdentityTokenIssuer, but I need to do it from C# code.
Hi everybody,
I deployed recently a Roo/Gwt project on Google App Engine.
I spent a couple of hours but couldn't find a tutorial that shows, step by step, how can we add n authentification system (withe the Federated Login Api).
I found this very good article that provides some helpful code :
import java.io.IOException;
import java.i...
Here's what I've done so far:
1) Created an ASP.NET MVC relying party application and secured it with ADFS v2.0. This works.
2) Created a WCF Service using the Claims-Aware service template for an ASP.NET website. I've turned ASP.NET compatibility for the service ON because the service wouldn't activate otherwise. I've moved th...
I am successful with the both methods below, to log on using federated log in for my site on Google App Engine (Python)
users.create_login_url("\", "google", "https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id")
users.create_login_url("\", "yahoo", "http://open.login.yahooapis.com/openid20/www.yahoo.com/xrds")
I wish to provide more log in optio...
I see stackoverflow's login system and love the simplicity of clicking one button to log in using Google gmail account.
Is there something available for PHP? I know there's solutions out there for Django and others. But would like a PHP solution.