
Handling multiple 3rd party e-commerce transactions

I am currently planning to develop a web-app which will allow a 3rd party to list and sell their own products on it. While I have experience with developing e-commerce solutions I personally do not want anything to do with the actual payment system myself (legally rather than technically) so that any transactions are between the buyer a...

Google App Engine - How to implement the activity stream in a social network

I want some ideas on the best practice to implement an activity stream for a social network im building in app engine (PYTHON) I first want to keep a log for all activities of each user - so that we have a history. i.e. someone became a friend, added a picture, changed their address etc. This way we have a users history available should...

How to calculate paypal fees, 2.9% +0.30 doesn't work for some cases variable FEEAMT in checkout method doesn't match

Hello to everyone, thanks for reading this. I am implementing paypal checkout in my website it is working but i want to make a simple fees calculator for paypal in order to help the user, i went to paypal and they said their fees amount is 2.9% +0.30 fixed, but it is not working for some cases, for example: deposit $1.34 2.9 % = $0.04 ...