
Why do Objective C files use the .m extension?

Since I started learning Objective C and Cocoa, I've been wondering why did they choose the extension .m for the implementation files - was it supposed to mean something, or was it just a random letter? Does anyone know? I couldn't find such information anywhere on Google... ...

Is using .h as a header for a c++ file wrong?

Is using .h as a header for a c++ file wrong? I see it all over the place, especially with code written in the "C style". I noticed that Emacs always selects C highlighting style for a .h header, but c++ for hpp or hh. Is it actually "wrong" to label your headers .h or is it just something which annoys me? EDIT: There is a good (is...

List of ALL MimeTypes on the Planet, mapped to File Extensions?

Is there a resource that lists ALL the mimeTypes in existence? I have found a few places with under 1000 mimeTypes, but then they still don't include common ones like .rar, .fla, .rb, .docx! Does anyone have a COMPLETE list of mimetypes? Not down to the most obsure "company-only" ones, but at least all of the ones we might use. Also,...

For a .Net project, what file extensions should I exclude from source control?

Everytime I start a project I have to think carefully about which files to exclude from source control. Has someone made a list of the criteria so I can look it up from the beginning? I work on my own so I have not got round to it. I appreciate that in the case of a DLL, you would want to include some and exclude others, so it is not jus...

How does youtube have URL's like these?

YouTube has URL's like these: When I create a PHP page mine would be like these: watch.php?v=zKqeCtjFGFc How does YT hide the PHP extension, and I know YT is probably written in Python or something other than PHP but I have seen this done in WordPress and other PHP written apps. Can this be...

CUDA source files get a .cu extension. What do header files get?

The standard convention seems to be to give CUDA source-code files a .cu extension, to distinguish them from C files with a .c extension. What's the corresponding convention for CUDA-specific header files? Is there one? ...

How to compile different extension files as C++ in Visual Studio C++ 2010?

In my Visual Studio 2010 project I have files with .mm file extension, that need to be compiled as normal C++ files. Is there a way to make a build rule for new extensions or something like that? In VS 2008 there were options for that, but they are gone in 2010. ...

Can Drupal change the template used based on a file extension in the url?

I am using Drupal 6.16 with a number of modules installed. I was trying to find out if there is a way to change the output of a node when a different file extension is added to the url. For example: - returns a normal drupal node - returns xml output of the node...

How do I associate files with no extension with a File Type in Netbeans 6.9

I have tried adding a file type with an empty string, but it requires at least one character. ...