
Cross-browser link to file on local system

I would like to make a link from a web page to a file on a local filesystem and make it work in all browsers (or at least in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome). For example, the following works in Internet Explorer: <a href="\\myserver\doc\info.pdf">Info here</a> but not in Firefox and Chrome. Is there a way to make a link that ...

Why does Visual Studio only allow one link per file in a project?

I would like to have a file in several different projects of a solution, however, Visual Studio only allows one link per solution to the file. Is there a way around this? What is the issue of having several soft links to a single file within a VS project? Update: I have added the link as described from the comments below, it seems that...

File URI link to local folder in IE7 not working

No matter what I do I cannot get either of these local File URIs: <a href="file:///c:/">x</a> <a href="file:///C:">x</a> <a href="file:///C:\">x</a> <a href="file://C:">x</a> <a href="file:///C|/">x</a> <a href="file:///C|">x</a> <a href="C:\">x</a> <a href="C:">x</a> <a href="#" onclick="return'c:\\');">#</a> work....