
How to add js file to my xcode project?

I add some js and css files in my xcode left project tree. but when I build this project , I got the warning : no rule to process file '$(PROJECT_DIR)/js/builder.js' of type sourcecode.javascript for architecture i386 I think if I lost some setting with my project in xcode , but How to add some like js and css files? Thank you very much...

Delete a large number (>100K) of files with c# whilst maintaining performance in a web application?

I am trying to remove a large number of files from a location (by large I mean over 100000), whereby the action is initated from a web page. Obviously I could just use string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("path with files to delete"); foreach (var file in files) { IO.File.Delete(file); } Directory.GetFiles http://msdn.mi...

Change file owner in Windows

Is there an API in Windows similar to Linux's chown? ...

dired mode single window? (emacs)

Hi, is there a way to have dired operate in a single window so that when I traverse through directories I don't have n number of dired buffers for the intermediate directories? However - if I start another dired buffer in a completely separate directory (from the minibuffer rather than hitting [enter] on a subdirectory in an already open...

Script to copy files on CD and not on hard disk to a new directory

I need to copy files from a set of CDs that have a lot of duplicate content, with each other, and with what's already on my hard disk. The file names of identical files are not the same, and are in sub-directories of different names. I want to copy non-duplicate files from the CD into a new directory on the hard disk. I don't care abo...

General question: Filesystem or database?

I want to create a small document management system. There are several users who store their files. Each file which is uploaded contains info about which user uploaded it and the document content itself. In a view all files of ONE specific user will be displayed, ordered by date. What would be better: giving the documents a name or m...

Xcode iPhone: Removing text from a .txt file

Hi, I have a text file with some strings in it, I am able to access the text from the file by using [NSString initWithContentsOfFile] function but what I want to do next is remove the whole text from that file but leaving the text file there as my application will continue to feed strings of message into the file. I've looked through NSS...

File Management system in Php

I have my system backed up on a server (Docs, Videos, Music, etc.) I have only FTP access (can't really do anything fancy) However I can run PHP and MySQL programs (pretty basic). I was wondering about a good complete system that would let me upload, control and manage the files I have there (including security features) so that I w...

How to organise the file structure of my already working plugin system?

I am working on a project whose main design guiding principle is extensibility. I implemented a plugin system by defining a metaclass that register - with a class method - the class name of any plugin that gets loaded (each type of plugin inherit from a specific class defined in the core code, as there are different types of plugins in ...

How do I recursively delete all files in a folder that begin with "._"?

As the title states, I'm trying to recursively delete all files in a folder that begin with ._. For each file on my site, there exists a file with the same exact name, but with ._ appended to it. How do I get rid of these pesky buggers? Thanks! ...

Java/JSP Web File Manager like CKFinder or KCFinder

I like CKFinder, but it is a commercial product. I also like KCFinder, but it works on PHP only, I need it to run on Java/JSP. Know any open source Java/JSP web file manager? Edit: The next best thing I found is this, but it is quite old and basic. ...

Delete all files being ignored within a Subversion checkout

How can I delete all files that are being ignored within a Subversion checkout? Effectively to bring it back to the equivalent of a pristine checkout. ...

Storing files in directories in an online file manager

I have a site that allows people to upload files to their account, and they're displayed in a list. Files for all users are stored on different servers, and they move around based on how popular they are (its a file hosting site). I want to add the ability for users to group files into folders. I could go the conventional route and crea...

Where can I find a nice File Broswer library for PHP?

This is my case: I'm developing a plugin for Wordpress. I am to browse my server side file directory (uploads) and retrieve a url for a selected file. I'm planning to do this through jQuery (but not flash). Are there any good libraries out there for browsing files on a server?? ...

Best practice in making file manager for user

Hi, I'm going to make a files, resources manager for user. My website provide a service help user create blog, website and allow user upload their resources. I'm will create a folder structure like below. Any suggestion? usercontents --user1 ----folder1 ----folder2 --user2 --user3 ----my images Should I use database to index those fil...