
B+ trees, choosing the order

I am studying B+ trees for the first time. I just want to know, on what basis should a developer choose the order of the B+ tree? Also, is there something like, B+ trees for the dummies tutorial? I desperately need it. ...

Resources about File structures

I'd like to learn advanced techniques about file structures. How does database software arrange the data in files? How do they manage to add/edit/delete records? How does index (hash, tree, other?) works? How do you store variable length data? How do you create transactions, so that even if the computers crash, to file is never in an...

emacs as IDE: Handling a project directory?

Hello. I've always used emacs for small projects (and Visual Studio for large ones). I was wondering what the alternatives are for handling a directory structure within emacs, something like the solution explorer in VS. Thank you. ...

Where are the Java System Packages stored?

I want to see all the java packages. Where are the packages stored in my machine? Can anyone help. I did search in jdk folder and found awt.dll and all. But its only a few. Can i see all of them? ...

Where are assemblies in .NET physically located?

I am a little confused about where .NET assemblies are physically located. Take good old Linq. In my web.config file it says: <add assembly="System.Data.Linq, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=B77A5C561934E089"/> This is the reference to Linq. But where exactly is the DLL this refers to located? There's no path in the a...

Downloading jQuery UI: Ok, so what part of this mess do I copy to the server?

From the "should be simple, but..." files: Trying to get started with jQuery UI. Went to the site, used their custom builder thingy to assemble the parts I need, made myself a custom theme using the Theme Roller, downloaded the zip file thus produced, unzipped it on my local drive. Ok, so I have 37 folders, 311 files, and a total of 2.4 ...

Beginner - C# iteration through directory to produce a file list

The end goal is to have some form of a data structure that stores a hierarchal structure of a directory to be stored in a txt file. I'm using the following code and so far, and I'm struggling with combining dirs, subdirs, and files. /// <summary> /// code based on /// </summary> ///...

In MVC file structure, what is Views/XXFolder/xxTemplateFile what is XXFolder known as?

I'm a bit confused about mvc terminology. Using the question title as an example, a view corresponds to an action, which means xxTemplateFile would be considered to represent the view. xxFolder does not represent an area. So could it be a View Collection? or View Container? Cheers, ...

Visual Studio 2010 - files in folders without ../../Include.h

My physical file structure for a project I have is something like: Source folder Engine Folder1 Folder2 etc. I have some files in 'Source', some in 'Engine', some in 'Engine/Folder1', etc. On my project, I have gone All Configurations->Source Directories and included Source, Engine, Engine/Folder2, etc. However, I still get error...

How to manage file path when accessing from different directory location?

I have few web pages sitting in different directories and my goal is to have some sort of organized structure so that I can access to js or css files without hardcoding the path. For instance, the directory structure is: root --- js --- some.js | |--css --- some.css | |---pages ---- main.jsp | |---ot...

Organising classes - Best practice?

A quick question about best practice with PHP classes. I have seen people use filenames such as something.class.php to organise their classes in external files. So, is it best practice to have one file per class, or multiple classes per file. At the moment, I am scripting an RPG and have a single class_lib.php file. I currently have ju...

Organizing Long Scripts In Separate Files?

In an attempt to organize my code, I'm trying to split up my (lengthy) main controller class into separate files, but my new files must still have access to the variables and functions of the main controller class. I'm trying to cut and paste code from my controller class into a new class/file, allowing the controller class to call the ...