
How to get file time by name in windows?

Windows has GetFileTime API which allows getting file time information by open file handle. What I wanted to know is, if it is possible to get this information by file name without opening the file explicitly. And if possible is it also applicable to Windows Mobile platform? ...

Converting NTFS timestamps to FAT Timestamps

Hello world! I'm writing a file transfer application, and I need to copy files from NTFS to FAT drives. Reading from, I understand that a time such as #11/29/2004 7:31:06 PM, 250ms# should get translated to #11/29/2004 7:31:08 PM, 0ms# when copying to a FAT hard drive. However, what actually happen...

Wherein lies the danger of obtaining file times in Silverlight?

Before uploading a file I need to salt the name with some additional information to increase the chance of the filename being unique (stateless-ly). Invoking FileInfo.LastWriteTime-get throws a SecurityException saying the process needs elevated priviledges. I can see to some extent that there exists certain historical information about...

write time on FTP server is very off

im trying to compare file write times between a local file and a file on an ftp server. the file times on the local machine work and it makes sense, but when I look at the file on the ftp server it shows two different times, via windows explorer and rightclick->properties. I found out a hack that works and its commented in my code. Any h...