
How can I implement a drag and drop file/folder upload that is recursive?

I am looking for some way to implement a drop box for files and folders to be uploaded to the site. I found one from rad inks, but it only supports multiple files. Does anyone know about something like this that supports folder uploading? The website itself is based on PHP. ...

Good Way to Secure File Uploads in PHP

Writing a small app that (among other things) lets users upload a file (like an image, a .doc or a text file) as part of their posting/submission. Our current prototype just dumps the file into /{app_root}/files/, but of course, anyone can get to that even if they are not logged in or using the system. The goal is to only grant access ...

Large File (30Mb+) Uploads over the Internet, what are the better options?

A friend and I have been discussing what's the best way to send large file over the Internet. FTP, single Web services, Chunking Bytes To multiple Web Services, HTTP File Post (multi-part message), RIA Interface (SilverLight or Flash). Are there answers/solutions that are missing? Let me give you more of my specific situation. I ...

Upload text as file with POST (multipart/form-data) using php and curl

The API, I'm trying to implement requires the upload of XML file, containing the commands. The straightforward way to do this is to generate the content of the file, write it on the file system and upload it with curl to the web server. What I'm trying to accomplish is to skip the writing part by using php's temp protocol handler. The ...

Upload files like in GMail

Possible Duplicate: Gmail like file upload with jQuery I am learning JQuery and would like to know if there are any ways by which we can implement file uploading functionality similar to that found in GMail for attachment (while composing mail) using JQuery? ...

Can I intercept a file upload over HTTP to IIS7 and deny the upload based on a validation criteria?

I have a form which you can post a file over to my server. Is there a way, without using a custom HTTP handler, to intercept the start of the post and prevent it before the file is uploaded and bandwidth used up. So for example, I could check an IP address and if it's blocked in my system I could stop the request before I waste 10MB of...

ASP.NET fileupload question

Is it good to store the uploaded file into a relational database or put it in a file system under a directory in IIS? I thought relational system will be a better choice. Any comments? When will you use one over the other? EDIT: RDBMS, will make it easier to relate multiple file attachments to a record. It's easier to maintain version(s...

Watin Help - Fileupload under VISTA

Hi, I'm trying to upload a file using Watin and C#. Under Windows XP, Watin opens the Filebrowse window and selects the file properly, but under Vista the Browser window pops up but no file is selected. Could you help getting this to work under Vista? Thank you. ...

handling large uploads on django, exceeding the max size on nginx

we have a django app on nginx where users upload media files. the media are huge such as 30min tv and radio programs resulting 100-300mb, and our shared hosting limits the upload to 30mb. how to embed a smart uploader which will put chunks of 20-30mb instead of trying to upload the large file? we would like not to destroy our highly edi...

Rails Ajaxy File Upload

Is there a defacto way of doing an Ajaxy file upload in Rails? (I say "Ajaxy" because it can't really use XHR). I've read about various approaches and plugins. Wondering what's the cleanest/most approved of by the community. Thanks! ...

How to upload a file using without posting the whole page back?

I want to upload a file using so I do not want to post back the page while uploading . How can I do that and is there any way to do it using Ajax . ...

Can I pickle upload file from a django form? I mean a InMemoryUploadedFile

I have a django form where I have a FileField which accepts user's resume. I am gonna convert the resume to a html document LATER. So I thought of pickling the original document right away and store in it a db colum and later unpickle it and convert it. Is that possible? ...

asynchronous file upload with java servlet

Here's I want to do, I want to upload a file that will be processed by a servlet. I would use Apache Commons - File Upload to handle the file to be uploaded. I've seen the gmail-like AJAX file upload, where there would be a hidden iframe that would later be populated with a javascript to stop showing the upload image or displaying a mes...

File Upload to HTTP server in iphone programming

Hi All, Can anyone provide me some links or examples to upload files to the HTTP server using iphone APIs. Thanks in Advance, BP ...

Problem validating filetypes in an ASP.NET FileUpload control with RegularExpressionValidator

code: <span>Upload Adobe Acrobat file<img src="../../Images/UI/pdf.jpg" style="height: 25; width: 20" height="25" width="20" /></span> <asp:FileUpload ID="uplPdf" runat="server" /> <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="valPdf" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Only PDF files are allowed!" ValidationExpression="^(([a-zA-Z]:)|(\\{2}\w+)\...

Flash-based file upload (swfupload) fails with Apache/mod-wsgi.

This question has been retitled/retagged so that others may more easily find the solution to this problem. I am in the process of trying to migrate a project from the Django development server to a Apache/mod-wsgi environment. If you had asked me yesterday I would have said the transition was going very smoothly. My site is up, acce... C# Fileupload and Access Interaction

I'm building a webapp that needs to interact with a Access Database. The Access database is about 200 megs and I don't want to upload the entire thing...just the contents of one table. So far, I've used Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access in the past on a desktop app but when I tried this on a webapp there is some cryptic permission issues...

Uploading a file in java using a servlet

I'm using javazoom for uploading protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException { PrintWriter out = null; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Lets do this"); try { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); try { MultipartF...

Problems uploading a file in php

I am trying to upload a file to a sever using PHP. I cannot get it to work. Here is the code: if( isset($_POST['Upload']) ) { //size condition if ( $_FILES['uploaded']['size'] > 350000) { $mesg = "Your file is too large.<br>"; exit; } if( move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], "upload/" . ...

Retain value in fileupload control.

I am writing a file upload application. So it contains a keyname in textbox and a fileupload control. A save button is used to save the keyname and the file. My issue is when I select a file in fileupload control and I donot enter any value in keyname textbox and click on save button, a message is shown 'enter a keyname' but the fileuplo...