
Why won't this file field not save on the node object?

With print_r I get: stdClass Object ( [field_car_image] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [filename] => HERMAN 096.jpg [filepath] => sites/default/files/HERMAN 096.jpg [filemime] => image/jpeg [filesize] => 933105 [status] => 1 ...

How to upload a file in rails?

Hi, I'm new to rails. I want to know about file uploading process in rails. Can anyone please help me... Thanks, Althaf ...

Drupal imagefield: save as .png

Where would I hook in to the imagefield api to set the filename of the destination file? I have figured out how to convert the file, but not how to save it as whatever it was + '.png'. ...

quick question: how to associate a file with an ImageField in django?

Hello, i have an image saved on my HDD and i want to assign it to an ImageField, but i don't know how. i've tried something like this:,File(open(path))) But this makes an additional (invalid) copy of the image. Can someone help me please? thanks! ...