
How can I break out of recursive find function once a specific file is found?

I'm using the File::Find module to traverse a directory tree. Once I find a specific file, I want to stop searching. How can I do that? find (\$processFile, $mydir); sub processFile() { if ($_ =~ /target/) { # How can I return from find here? } } ...

Why doesn't File::Find handle my dangling symlink?

I'm using Perl's File::Find module to scan for files, directories, and links. Among other things, I want the utility I'm writing to report dangling links. In theory, this is supported by creating a subroutine to be called whenever an dangling link has been found, and calling the find method with a hash reference of appropriate values, ...

Why did File::Find finish short of completely traversing a large directory?

A directory exists with a total of 2,153,425 items (according to Windows folder Properties). It contains .jpg and .gif image files located within a few subdirectories. The task was to move the images into a different location while querying each file's name to retrieve some relevant info and store it elsewhere. The script that used File...