I am using a Python script to find and replace certain strings in text files of a given directory. I am using the fileinput module to ease the find-and-replace operation, i.e., the file is read, text replaced and written back to the same file.
The code looks as follows:
import fileinput
def fixFile(fileName):
# Open file for in-pla...
Is there an elegant way of skipping first line of file when using python fileinput module?
I have data file with nicely formated data but the first line is header. Using fileinput I would have to include check and discard line if the line does not seem to contain data.
The problem is that it would apply the same check for the rest of t...
In my python code, I use the fileinput module for inplace replacing:
import fileinput
for line in fileinput.FileInput("permission.txt",inplace=1):
line = line.strip()
if not 'def' in line:
print line
print line
However, once it is done, permis...
We have a web site where a user can upload their resume. If they upload it in any browser it works fine. If they do NOT upload a document it works fine in all browsers but google chrome. We have a server side vb dll that captures the form contents and any files uploaded are stored in a dictionary object which the processing page then ...
I am using Struts2 for a web application development. i have this particular problem for which i couldnt find a solution even after i googled.
I have 3 tags with a hyperlink or button against each, which has to be used to clear the filepath if anything was previously selected. The solution which was found online was to reset the form.....
How do you run a java program that requires input from a file in Eclipse?
I want to be able to preview an image for a user before they upload it.
I've of course discovered that all the modern browsers obscure the actual full path in one way or another, so my original plan of just setting an <img /> element with the local path is out of the question.
I've found this solution, which isn't bad, but I'm expectin...
Hello I have been trying to display the dimensions of a dataset, below is the following matlab code that i used...but it gives me the wrong output....i'e number of rows and columns values are wrong....any help regarding this issue would be highly appreciated
[file_input,pathname] = uigetfile( ...
{'*.txt', 'Text (*.txt)'; ...
I have a file input box on my page, created by the following HTML:
<input type="file" id="imagefile" accept="image/gif" />
I'm using the file input to upload a file using the Imageshack API. The API states that I need to send the following parameter:
fileupload; (input type="file") -
image or video file. Mandatory unless
url p...
Ok im really new to amazon s3 just created my account today. im tring to upload files from my server to my S3 account via POST Proposal. i got at working form that has a input type file but i dont wanna select file form my computer. i want to create a cron job that submits a file located on my server. is this possible