
Filtered index in SQL Server 2008

Hi I have created filtered unique index in one my database table. According to my research if i want to do any operation on that table from i need to turn on the following set operation to my connection SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON SET ANSI_PADDING ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON If i turn the above features, what will be the effec...

Filtered index vs normal non clustered index.

Hi, I have 270 million records in a table. Currently I have a non clustered index in it on a date column. 99% of time I use rows with date > 1/1/2008..that means 140 million out of it. I am using SQL server 2008.In this situation will it be beneficial to use filtered index other than normal non-clustered index ? Also if I use "date" da...

query using data within and outside a filtered index

If I have a filtered index, and if I use data beyond that range, what kind of performance hit would be incurred? ...