
Finalizer launched while its object was still being used

Summary: C#/.NET is supposed to be garbage collected. C# has a destructor, used to clean resources. What happen when an object A is garbage collected the same line I try to clone one of its variable members? Apparently, on multiprocessors, sometimes, the garbage collector wins... The problem Today, on a training session on C#, the teac...

Find finalizable object in application

Hi all, Is there any way to scan through a code base and figure out which object is finalizable? I am asking since I am trying get object away from the finalization queue to improve performance. ...

C# - What does "destructors are not inherited" actually mean?

Section 10.13, Destructors, of the C# Language Specification 3.0 states the following: Destructors are not inherited. Thus, a class has no destructors other than the one which may be declared in that class. The Destructors section of the C# Programming Guide contains an example demonstrating how destructors in an inheritance hierar...

Delphi and finalization in a unit

I have two units unitA and unitB. Class TFoo is declared in unitB. Is it allways safe to call B.Free in finalization of unitA? How does it depend on in which order unitA and unitB are in dpr? Can I be sure that unitB exists when unitA finalization is executed? unit unitB; interface type TFoo = class // code... end; // code.....

Unit finalization order for application, compiled with run-time packages?

I need to execute my code after finalization of SysUtils unit. I've placed my code in separate unit and included it first in uses clause of dpr-file, like this: project Project1; uses MyUnit, // <- my separate unit SysUtils, Classes, SomeOtherUnits; procedure Test; begin // end; begin SetProc(Test); end. MyUnit look...