How to output/trace all variables and values in a Flash swf
Is there a simple way in Flash 8 when loading an swf or anywhere really to output all the loaded functions, movieclips, and variables/values? ...
Is there a simple way in Flash 8 when loading an swf or anywhere really to output all the loaded functions, movieclips, and variables/values? ...
hi guys, I have a (old) Flash Document ".fla" file created in Flash 8. It just has a static textbox with "Hello World"(many more text boxes) in it . (just for the question. ) The font set is Arial 12pt Bold (thr. the Flash 8 IDE). When i open the same file in Flash CS4 IDE i get the Missing Font Dialog and then it asks to Map "Arial...
I have a project developed using Flash 8 Professional which uses the FLVPlayback component to load video from our Amazon S3 bucket. Everything works great. I have tried to bring this project into Flash CS4 Professional and swap the Flash 8 FLVPLayback component in the library for the CS4 component. When I publish however the video does n...
Hey guys, I've been trying to build something simple in Flash 8, and I stumbled across something weird I cannot explain: I have an object, and at some point of the program, I want it to be visible (it is invisible at first), so I write: _root.myObj._visible = true; _root.gameOver.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); //so it will be...
I am a newbie flash developer who is trying to create a "message box" symbol in my flash application. This message box should appear on an event, so I have as2 code like this which is trying to achieve that: (mcError1 is the instance of my symbol). _root.mcError1.visible = true; _root.mcError1._x = 100; _root.mcError1._y = 8...
I'm currently trying to open a stream using AS2 and parse the incoming data. How can I do such thing using strictly AS2, flash 8 or lower? Essentially I want to read the incoming data from a radio station from SHOUTcast and parse it's meta data. I don't need to playback this station. Thanks! -Jona ...