
Where is Document class textbox in flash cs3?

In a tutorial I find a statement "In the Document Class text box in the Property inspector of flash document, write Test1" But i didnt find that document class textbox. Im using flash CS3. Where it is. Please Help. ...

include .as file inside .fla

hi, i open up .fla file, but when i click window->action, there is not actionscript inside it. may i know where else can i check the .fla file is importing .as file. where to check it in flash cs3? ...

Is there a way to create a class inside the main .fla file of a Flash CS3 app?

Hi, is there a way to create a class inside the main .fla file of a flash application? If I try to define a class directly in the action layer of the .fla, I get the error: "classes must not be nested". Alternatively, if I try to define a package and the class inside, I get "packages must not be nested". I know I can reference an ex...

flash actionscript access filesystem without air?

Is there any workaround to allow actionscript3 write to file system without adobe air? The reason is because, in order to use adobe air, each of the web visitors will need to install add-on air run-time and that is tedious. Most of the users will have flash plug-in and not Adobe Air. ...

adobe air swf file error in browser

my fla file setting version: adobe air 1.0 actionscript 3.0 i able to compile without problem and when i load the swf file in browser, if my actionscript included this line "import flash.filesystem.File". My flash just show up "blank" . no error in flashlog. if i removed this line, my swf file able to run. what is wrong? ...


may i know how to use this getMicrophone with simpleFLVWriter to create flv with sound? can elaborate? ...

Flash Font embedding problem

I am facing a wired problem with a project. I am embedding Arial font as project is multi-lingual. If I build this project on one of my development machine, Font gets embedded successfully but in any of other machine, project successfully gets published without any warning but font just dont get embedded in SWF. Note : Project code base...

Flash Action Script 3 variable scope not working

package a{ public class a{ public var a_var:String; public var x_var:String; public function a(){ var a_var = 'My name'; var x_var = 'X string' } public function show_a():String{ return a_var; } } public class b{ public function b(){ var a_obj:a = new a(); trace('trace' ...

AS3 Quiz - How do I move to the next question?

Hello, using various tutorials I created the next quiz in AS3. It's dynamic and I use an important function to set up the entire thing, and a counter to manage the quiz and arrays. After picking an answer you click on a check button and then on a "Next" button. I'm getting no errors, however for some reason calling the setup() function ...

How to use else if { var in AS3 without returning 1083 error?

I have an if/else if/else if/else if/else statment in AS3. It's a calendar that reads in dates from an xml file. The if/else if/else statements controls the look of a date according to whether it has an event, and whether it's past/present or future. The MouseEvent is a tooltip which shows the Event information. The last section is e...

Flash CS3 IDE converting "Use Device Fonts" to "Anti-alias for animation"

Occassionally, when I'm working on an application in the Flash CS3 IDE, that uses very small fonts, I find that I get better results if I use device fonts rather than anti-aliased fonts. However, I notice that SOMETIMES, if a save an FLA that uses "Static" Text fields with the "Use Device Font" setting, the next time I open Flash to edi...

Loading external SWF, cannot cast document class to shared base class

I have a parent SWF file that defines a Widget base class. I then load an external SWF into the parent. The external SWF's document class derives from the Widget base class -- let's call it DerivedWidget for example. The problem is that when I load the external SWF, I cannot cast the Loader.content (shows in debugger as having the Der...

actionscript3 print array value on button rollover

Hello, I have created a flash map of the uk which is splti into regions, each region is a button that is fully visible when not rolled on and and fully transluscent when rolled over(to show the same region in a different color). What I need now is for when the button is rolled over I need it show the region name, I have an array of the ...

Why do components in Flash CS3 fail so hard when loaded with a Loader.

The ComboBox shows up fine when I run a SWF by itself. The rowCount property set in the property inspector works just fine; the dataProvider property populates the box just fine; everything works fine. HOWEVER, when I load that SWF into a parent SWF with the Loader class, everything goes to hell. The ComboBox shows up empty. All the ...

change flash input textbox background color?

could some one tell me how to change flash input textbox background color? the standard color is white. i need to change it. ...

How to make a FLV video appear always on top

Hello, first I thank those for any help for this question! =) What I am trying to do is make a button so when you hover over it a FLV video plays. I am able to make it play successfully. the problem is it is not always on top of everything. Some of the other buttons are still on top while the video plays which is blockin the video. S...

AS3 Compiler error 1083: problem with else syntax

Hey there, I'm creating a simple click and scroll for a future menu for my personal site. I have a box, I called it thing_mc, and I have 3 positions for it. I have a next and prev. button that will control thing_mc position. I'm using TweenLite to animate thing_mc, if that makes a difference. I get a 1083 error (...else is unexpected) a...

Do multiple flash movies on a web page download and run in parallel or in sequence

We have a flash website built using flex and CS3. Majority of the site has been done using flex. We have multiple flash movies on a page and we obviously have the page loading very slow. Now that we are looking into options for making the page fast, we are trying to understand whether we can run these flash movies in parallel ? Is there ...

Manipulate my flash depending on a URL?

I have a flash map of the UK which is divided up into the counties, a user clicks on a county and is then directed to a new url, eg. www.mydomain.co.uk/region/london. The flash map remains on that new page in case they wish to select a new region. What I want to know: is it possible to manipulate the flash so that if the url is www.mydo...

How do you resize a movieclip without affecting the scale?

I have a movie clip object with a width of 306 and height of 194. I need to change the dimensions of the movie clip and still have the x and y scale set at 100. Currently when I change the movie clip width to 352.8, the x scale increases to 115.3%. I have to have the scale reset to 100% after I've adjusted the movie clip's width. Is t...