
How to give a link from php page to another URL with a flex state?

If I want to navigate directly to the second state of some flex app, for which the link has to be given from another php page. How to do it? If I give the normal URL it will anyway land me to the first state.But I want it to directly go to the second. ...

Have users add content to a streaming video?

Let's say I have a flash video streaming website, what are some ways in which users could add comments, links, effectively mark up a video? ...

Object tag unwanted space above and bellow

Here is my HTML: <p> Ut molestie venenatis enim mattis cursus. Duis lacinia mauris nec nulla rutrum condimentum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin et felis mi. Ut posuere, eros in vulputate auctor, ante dui egestas metus, in pulvinar dolor mauris eget enim. Fusce in n...