
What is a good filesystem for embedded NAND drives?

Hi, I am working on an embedded application that uses NAND flash for storage. As it looks now, we won't use Linux or any other RTOS. The application must handle unexpected power downs. We have been looking on different file system solutions, including YAFFS2, JFFS2, FAT+FTL as well as solutions from HCC Embedded. I have heard FAT+FTL ...

Can't write eboot.bin in a PXA310 bootloader with NAND flash

I've modified my bootloader to be able to download an eboot.bin from my desktop using eshell and verified that the entire image is in memory correctly, but even though it appears to flash correctly, it won't boot from the new image. I'm using a Sophia Systems Sandgate III-P PXA310-based development kit running CE 6.0 R2 with all of the ...

Deleting files on FAT32 USB changes the first cluster information

i have made a file recovery software, which reads the FAT32 directory entry and identifies the first cluster of the file and attempts to recover the data, it is supposedly to be working fine however when i try on a fat32 usb disk the following happens. The Cluster number assigned to a file when it is not deleted is different from the cl...

Determining failing sectors on portable flash memory

I'm trying to write a program that will detect signs of failure for portable flash memory devices (thumb drives, etc). I have seen tools in the past that are able to detect failing sectors and other kinds of trouble on conventional mechanical hard drives, but I fear that flash memory does not have the same kind of predictable low-level ...

Am I overflowing my AVR's flash memory with a program that's too big?

I have a project where an ATtiny2313V is controlling a 7x5 LED matrix to display scrolling text. To display the text, I built a font which is stored in the flash with the rest of the program. The whole program, including the entire font, takes up 1106 bytes. But when I load it into the chip, it doesn't seem to run; instead it just ligh...

Circular Buffer in Flash

I need to store items of varying length in a circular queue in a flash chip. Each item will have its encapsulation so I can figure out how big it is and where the next item begins. When there are enough items in the buffer, it will wrap to the beginning. What is a good way to store a circular queue in a flash chip? There is a possibi...

Alarm history stack or queue?

I'm trying to develop an alarm history structure to be stored in non-volatile flash memory. Flash memory has a limited number of write cycles so I need a way to add records to the structure without rewriting all of the flash pages in the structure each time or writing out updated pointers to the head/tail of the queue. Additionally once...

Interfacing 45DB161 data flash with 89LP4052 controller.

I am trying to interface the data flash with 89lp 4052 controller. Crysal used 11.0592 mhz. This controller has built in spi bus. I tried all combinations of CPHA AND CPOL. Tried mode 0 as well as mode 3. Not able to read staus register. Some times it happens that it reads the register but sometimes it just ff code out from flash. m...

When do I use xdata?

I am new at embedded system programming. I am working on a device that uses an 8051 chipset. I have noticed in the sample programs that when defining variables, sometimes they use the keyword xdata. like this... static unsigned char xdata PatternSize; while other times the xdata keyword is omitted. My understanding is that the xdata k...

Is there any flash driver at the OS level loaded?

Hi, whether Is there any flash driver at the OS level (linux) to load or we need to write/develop ?, please suggest me. ...

FAT File system and lots of writes

I am considering using a FAT file system for an embedded data logging application. The logger will only create one file to which it continually appends 40 bytes of data every minute. After a couple years of use this would be over one million write cycles. MY QUESTION IS: Does a FAT system change the File Allocation Table every time a fil...

NAND flash programming: granularity of writes?

Hello all, is someone in the kow about write accesses on nowadays large NAND flash chips? What is the minimal granularity for writes? I have a microcontroller flash here which requires at least 1 and at most 4 words (16-bit words that is) to be fed to the write statemachine at once. I think that the large (> 1 Gbit) flashes behave diffe...

ATMega328 + SPI Flash Memory

Preface: This question is about a project I am working on with a professor at my university. It is NOT for a grade, but my reputation with this professor does matter. So while my success on this project is important to me, I do not see it as unfair to seek help from SO. That said, here is a high level overview of my project. I have an a...