The HTML content below the flash content not displaying in IE8 browser. Here is the code:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,24" width="100%" height="100%">
<param name="movie" value="main.swf" />
<param name="qua...
In the following code:
var a:Vector.<int> ...
var b:Vector.<String> ...
var c:Vector.<uint> ...
var c:Vector.<MyOwnClass> ...
function verifyArrayLike(arr:*):Boolean
return (arr is Array || arr is Vector)
What I'm looking for is something like _var is Vector.<*>
But Vector.<*> is n...
Having had a quick look at the Flex docs I can't seem to find any reference to providing audio content to be played from a custom (possibly encrypted - don't worry, it's not that evil) container format. Is this possible and if so, could someone point me in the right direction.
Or if that's not possible, some way to hook into the disk/ne...
Our Flash widget is quite popular on the web.
There is a link to our web-site embedded inside the widget.
Does Google count this link as a back link to the site?
I actually don't need help, i just want to know your opinion about that weird Flash CS4 (AS3) behavior.
there should be something i missed.
1) what happens: flash movie plays on any (even non-existent) function call between if(bytesLoaded==bytesTotal), and doesnot play on commented-out or blank line there.
2) what should be seen instead...
Hi all,
I'm having a very strange issue, it looks like my application can't create file anymore. It works w/ directories, but the so-many-times-used resolvePath() methods doesn't.
Here is what I do :
var databaseFileContent : File = new File(File.desktopDirectory.nativePath + "/testing");
Can I call a java class method from inside a flash movie?
Is it possible for an Adobe AIR application to connect to a remove webservice that does not expose a cross-domain.xml file? If so, how do you configure the security sandbox within Air to allow this?
I have attempted a socket connection and received the following error:
I'm trying to find out if there is a way of using clickTag and Google Analytics to track outgoing banner clicks. clickTag code:
on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {
Maybe someone can tell me whether the following would work:
on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {...
How do I trigger the animation in sync with my timer?My timer
and flip animation work, but they are out of sync with each other. I'm lost with the IF ELSE statements. Each time the value of my textfield changes, my number needs to flip. See example.
function theFlip(event:TimerEvent):void
if (count...
Buttons in flex can be pressed with the space key, but a client would like to press enter instead of space. This can be achieved by programming each button, but it would be very time consuming.
Does anyone have an idea how to do this in the less amount of time?
The admin guide for flash 8/9 suggests there's a .msm (merge module) for windows? I'm not seeing a merge module for flash 10. Does such a thing exist and if so where?
I am drawing lines using moveTo/lineTo on a sprite. That sprite is zoomed/panned with its transform matrix.
The issue can be seen when zooming at approximately 80000%. Lines randomly vary in size with the variance getting larger and larger with more zoom to the point that a single line can take the whole screen even though the lines a...
$("#listView object.modal").click(function(){
// Get the ID of the clicked link:
var link = $(this).closest("h2").attr("title");
var id = $(this).closest("div").attr("id");
showDialog(link, id);
return false;
This fires a modal (jQuery UI). It it working in FF, Chrome/Safari but not in I...
Ive made a query in PHP, and I'm trying to send the results back into Flash via AS3, but it's throwing up this error...
Error: Error #2101: The String passed
to URLVariables.decode() must be a
URL-encoded query string containing
name/value pairs. at
Error$/throwError() at
flash.net::URLVariables/decode() at
In Flash 10/AS3, I added some sound and it seems to be working alright, but I think I'm doing it wrong. I imported the sound into the library, but I believe that it's reloading it from the folder with the swf/sound. I'm loading them like so:
var request1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("CLICK8C.mp3");
clickSound = new Sound();
Hi, I'm trying to add a listener for the stop event in the word press audio player but usage seems to be undocumented. I'm hoping someone who knows a little flash can look at the code and tell me how it works:
In the code at http://tools.assembla.com/1pixelout/browser/audio-player/trunk/source/classes/Application.as I see the flash acti...
Using flash sockets in my irc client, can I serve the socket policy file somehow other than thru socket policy file server (without server)? If I use the Security.loadPolicyFile function, i do not need any daemon, right?
That is for working with flash sockets (for irc clients).
On my website, I want my user to be able to launch video 2 at any point in the middle of video 1 without waiting or refreshing the window. How can I buffer the two videos such that I buffer video 1 enough to let it start playing, and then buffer just enough of video 2 that if the user launches it at any point, he does not have to wait to...