
How to pass complex type parameters from Flash-AS3 to a web service?

Hello, i've the following snip of code in AS3: var myWebService = new WebService(); myWebService.addEventListener("load", loadDone); myWebService.loadWSDL("wsdl_address"); var myOperation:Operation; function loadDone(evt:LoadEvent) { myOperation = Operation(myWebService.getOperation("method_name")); myOperation.addEventListener(...

Not quite a Singleton

I'm using ActionScript3 to develop a Data Access Layer for an application another developer is working on in my team. One of the objects, lets call it User is expensive to construct. Each user has a unique ID number so I can tell if they've been created before or not, and all User objects are stored in an array somewhere else. I want to...

Does anyone know how to create a interactive graphs using flare or other visualisation classes?

Does anyone know of software or flex/flash/as3 source or visualisation software that could be used to make interactive graphs, where the user would enter a query that would pull data from a MySQL database and the user would build a sunburst or icicle graph by dragging and dropping items into a tree-like structure and they would be able t...

flash progress bar in webpage? Using javascript

How to make progress bar in my page, that show how much flash file got progress in dwonload. ...

Dragging a bone system element in Flash

Hi all, I thought I had a really simple task to do: Create an analog clock where student could set the time by moving the hours and minutes handles. Well, the whole thing works to a point... I have created a bone system to ensure that both handles bases stay put in the center of the clock while the handles get dragged about. The proble...

converting vob files to swf and flv

I have a .vob file and I am trying to change it to .swf and .flv for my website. I found lots of open source software that can convert to flash. The only thing is that, i want my final flash files to be not more than 50KB. I am using this software: http://www.rersoft.com/dvd-vob-file/convert-vob-to-swf.html i am not sure of the stan...

rotating movieclip back to square. AS3

I have a movieclip that I am using greensocks transformManager with so the user can rotate, skew, and scale the clip. This works fine, but I am trying to add a crop tool. If the image is rotated, when I send the image to the crop tool it measures the height of the image by the bounds of the rotated image, not the actual height of the ima...

as3 stop event propagation

I'm having trouble getting events to stop propagating in as3 when I'm adding a new event listener in an event listener. My second event listener is being called when I dont want it to. this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, firstlistener); function firstlistener(e:Event) { //do stuff e.stopImidiatePropagation(); this.addE...

Type shift in Flash

Hi all, I am puzzled here, I have recently been working on a series of flash activities that uses a single font. I am now forced to re-open them all to make a small change but I find all my type has shifted down about half a line. After checking my system, there is only ONE instance of that font available and activated (through Suitcas...

Flex: Multi bitrate switching between live streams using the VideoDisplay component

I am passing to the source property of a VideoDisplay component a DynamicStreamingVideoSource object with 3 different dynamic live stream items, described by this XML, for your consideration: src="rtmp://" bitrate="19200" src="rtmp://" bitrate=...

Keypad Login, as3

Hi, How do I get this to work more like a login, where the textfield accepts the numbers and entered? Thanks for the help, var login:int = 0; //KEYPAD LISTENERS num1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, num1b); num2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, num2b); //... //KEYPAD FUNCTION function num1b(e:MouseEvent):void{ login = 1; trace(login...

Cross-domain calls from a webbrowser

I would like to execute a cross domain http request from a website. What are my options? Javascript is out, because most browser don't allow cross domain calls. Generally the solution is to use a proxy, but that isn't an option for this project. The other things I was thinking about would be to use Flash or maybe Java. Are there any...

AS3: Copying a Loader from one object to another

I have two classes, call them A and B. They both contain a Loader object. In class A I load content into the Loader object. public class A { var loader:Loader; public function A():void { loader = new Loader(); this.addChild(loader); loader.load(...); } } public class B() { var loader:Loader;...

Flash based website basics, first steps, good practices

I have a bit of Flash experience, did a full featured movie player, other stuff in AS3 and got plenty of programming skills in other languages, BUT now I need to create a multi paged website. Quite easy, a few pages, some animations here and there, nothing fancy, got all the graphics. But time is short on this one, so I need some advice ...

How to embed flash in a website? it stretched up in IE6

Hi, I re-design a flash website and now there is problem with the dimension of the stage. I can see it on IE6 and old version of FF, but it looks good on Chrome, IE7+, Safari. since it was made 2 years ago, the player version was upgraded on the export to swf. The width is fine, it sets to 100% of the window, but the height looks like i...

Flash ExternalInterface and function callbacks question

I'm about to write a spec for a Flash developer to build a player control that works similar to the HTML5 <audio> tag. One of the key points is how to add callbacks, for example, with the audio tag you would do something like: getElementById('flashAudioPlayer').addEventListener('timeupdate', function() { // Do stuff }); Is it possi...

how to embed SWF into FLA in Flash CS5?

I have a problem including a SWF into FLA using Flash CS5. I am new to Flash and actionscript. Can you guide me? ...

Flash and JavaScript communication within IE

I am having in issue with IE passing a string back into an swf using the EternalInterface class in Flash CS4. I have an swf with the following code: var externalString:String = ExternalInterface.call("IncomingJS") which is inside an event listener attached to an Event.ENTERFRAME and an if statement waiting for ExternalInterface.avai...

Flash player 10.0 XML parsing issue

Guys i have an appplication written in flash, which parses the xml and displays the data. In the xml there are some unicode characters like <, > etc,. It is working fine in my old system which runs in flash 9. But when i tried to run in my laptop the unicode characters are not appearing. My laptop has flash player 10.0. Can you guys hel...

FLVPlayBack component, how to built-in skin in project?

FLVPlayBack asks a link for it's skin. How can I bult-in skin in project, so I will have only one swf in result? ...