
Django's Satchmo and flatpages issue

Hi I'm having a problem with configuring Flatpages in Satchmo. I've used them before, in a pure django app, but now it just doesn't work, returning 301 http error when I'm trying to enter a flatpage-configured site. What I've done to configure it: added the middleware "django.contrib.flatpages.middleware.FlatpageFallbackMiddleware" t...

Django flatpages and a catchall startpage

I'm using django 1.1 and flatpages. It works pretty well, but I didn't manage to get a catchall or default page running. As soon as I add a entry to url.py for my startpage, the flatpages aren't displayed anymore. (r'^', 'myproject.mysite.views.startpage'), I now flatpages uses a 404 hook, but how do you configure the default website...

Django Direct_to_template or flatpages

Ok, fairly new to Django so bare with me. Building a django app with some mostly static pages at the front of the site e.g. about.html faq.html that kind of thing I was looking at how urls.py work and I created this. ('(.+\.html)$', direct_to_template), It seems to do exactly what I needed. Now for any new .html page I add to the r...

Django Flatpages Variables

Is it possible to enter {{ variable }} into a django flatpage and if so, how? Thanks! ...

Flatpages equivalent for ASP.Net MVC

Django has the Flatpages app, which lets site admins change content on specific pages without changing code. Flatpage content i stored in the database, sort of like in a CMS. Flatpages are typically used for about-pages and such. Are there any good equivalents for ASP.Net MVC? I.e., a convenient way to manage page-content persisted to a...

django: extend flatpages for a specific application

I have a portfolio application that lists projects and their detail pages. Every project generally has the same information (gallery, about etc. ), but sometimes the user might want to add extra information for a particularly large project, maybe an extra page about the funding of that page for example. Would it be possible to create a...