
Flex: Database driven DataGrid: arrows disappearing

In Flex I'm using the following code to allow sorting in a DataGrid (the data is paged and sorted serverside). private function headerReleaseHandler(event:DataGridEvent):void { var column:DataGridColumn = DataGridColumn(event.currentTarget.columns[event.columnIndex]); if(this.count>0) ...

Flex: server paged DataGrid: arrows disappearing

In Flex I'm using the following code to allow sorting in a DataGrid (the data is paged and sorted serverside). protected function headerReleaseHandler(event:DataGridEvent):void { event.preventDefault(); var c:DataGridColumn = columns[event.columnIndex]; var index:int = c.dataField as int; var isDesc = c.s...

Flex/DataGrid: update each row dataProvider is changed

In a DataGrid, how can I force data() of all itemRenderers on visible rows to be called when I've made an update to the dataProvider. I'n the following the Grid isn't updated after pressing doSomething. If I have a large list the update is done when scrolling down and then back up again, or in the case of the TreeGrid i open/close a no...