
How can I manipulate shapes in Adobe Flex?

I'm working on an application where I'm drawing some rectangles on the screen, and then will need to manipulate the shapes (change their size, location). I tried to do something with .drawRect and clearing the shape each time I was manipulating it, but the RAM usage was spiking and then falling (presumeably because i keep reinitializing...

Drawing on a CartesianDataCanvas - Any way to draw an ellipse that is partially off the chart?

I'm attempting to draw a background to a chart. If I try to call canvas.beginFill(0xff0000,1) canvas.drawEllipse(10,200,300,-30); canvas.endFill() And -30 is outside the range of the chart, it won't draw anything. I want it to draw an ellipse that is cut off by the edge of the chart. ...

Runtime error when compiling flex application with ANT

Hi, I'm using a licensed version of Flex Builder Pro to develop an application. I compiled the swc and generated swf successfully using ANT tasks. It contains an Advanced Data Grid also. When this application is accessed, I get a runtime error and it fails to load. TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructo...

Adding effects to a flex custom component

Hi all! I have a flex application and I want to add a new custom component with action script at runtime. This works fine. I have created my custom component and added the following code: var freeView:FreeView=new FreeView(); freeView.setStyle("showEffect",this.fadeIn); freeView.setStyle("hideEffect",this.fadeOut); freeView.visible=fals...

flex popup manager

I am trying to popup image preview using popup manager in flex. I have a button in one of my mxml components pressing which we can preview image in a pop up canvas which is another mxml component. But I am getting following error. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at compo...

bitwise operations without bitwise operators

Here's an example I ran across: private function bitwiseAnd(a:int, b:int):int { var result:int = 0; var n:int = 1; while ((a > 0) && (b > 0)) { if (((a % 2) == 1) && ((b % 2) == 1)) { result += n; } a = a / 2; b = b / 2; n = n * 2; } return result; } So basica...

Sort contents of Flex ComboBox

I need to be able to sort the items of a combobox so they will be in alphabetical order. how would I do this? ...

How to decode and cast JSON string in Flex?

I'm using as3corelib to decode/encode JSON strings. In my little experiment I want to encode an object (UserInfo) to JSON string and decode it back to the object, however it seems to fail at the convertion point (the last line), why would that happen? how can I make it work? The UserInfo class public class UserInfo { public var le...

Is Flex Slow (Loading)?

i am actually picking up flex. when i made some "Hello World" apps, i noticed that Flex seem to load v slowly compared to HTML versions (once loaded speed is normal). is Flex slow? maybe it will be better if i compare it to a more complex app, say with a few forms etc? i am actually intending to learn AIR. i get the impression that Fle...

no contextMenu.customItems with AIR?

Have some code that's been in use for quite some time - always compile with mxmlc. Just compiled it with amxmlc and it gave me errors over the presence of "customItems" - nothing else at all in the entire 1500+ line AS3/flex program. I took out the customItems reference and it compiles with amxmlc just fine. Nothing about that featu...

Calling Application.application.enable from a TitleWindow in a different mxml component.

Good day. I have a Flex RIA App, and in the application tag there is a button when its pressed calls upon a TitleWindow from another .mxml file, and sets application.enable = false That way the user cant use any of the components in the application, and still can use the components in the TitleWindow. The problem its. When the Title...

Actionscript 3 TextField scrollH property gets set to 0 on click

I am populating a textfield programmatically and scrolling to the maxScrollH as the new text is added so the user can see the progression of text. This works fine, until I click the TextField, which sets scrollH back to 0 and places the caret in the text at the equivalent position. textField.setSelection( text.length, text.length ); //s...

Flex 3 multiple upload progress monitoring

I have a Flex3 application which has to be capable of uploading multiple files and monitoring each files individual progress using a label NOT a progress bar. My problem is that a generic progress handler for the uploads has no way (that I know of) of indicating WHICH upload it is that is progressing. I know that a file name is availabl...

Degrafa:GraphicBorderSkin not working as canvas background via: borderSkin: ClassReference...

Degrafa newbie here :-). I was able to get "com.degrafa.skins.CSSSkin" to create linear gradient backgrounds. Now I'm getting into more advanced stuff as I try to figure out radial gradients... I figured this out by watching Flex-skinning-with-degrafa-screencast but my code isn't working for me and I'm getting a white background on ...

Start air/flex application with windows

Hello everybody, I want to provides an option in my air/flex application. A user can check an option and the application starts when windows starts. I don't find with google how to do this, someone knows do that ? Thanks. ...

Best way to integrate R and Flash/Flex

I want to make a Flash or Flex front end for my R code, I want to call an R function from a website (using Flash) what is the best way to go about connecting Flash and R? ...

How to use out-of-datagrid scope variable inside an ItemRenderer?

I'm binding an array of items to a data grid using ItemRenderer. I use the data variable to control the bindable data. I also have someComponentVariable that need be inserted into every row but its declared at the component scope, so the data grid doesn't seem to reconize it (compile error). How can I use this variable (someComponentVa...

Flex application works in bin-debug but not in bin-release

Hi All I have developed a little flex application which does some web service calls, retrieves some data and returns the data to the application. Everything works fine as long as I am working inside Flex Builder (eclipse) or as long as I run it from the ProjectName\bin-debug. Once I try to deploy it (run it from ProjectName\bin-relea...

What is the preferred way to embed an SWF graphic in a Flex 4 application?

In Flex 3, you just said <mx:Image source="@Embed('foo.swf')"/> What is the preferred way to do this with Flex 4? Should I just keep using Image? ...

Access component id of one mxml from another.

I have two mxml files. one is main that is application tag mxml file and another is my mxml component file. I have a viewstack in my main mxml whose id is, say, "mainViewStack". Now I want to set selectedChild property of "mainViewStack" from my mxml component file. But I m getting error: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or metho...