
How to get the Current Date Time in Flex

I'm trying to get the current date time in Flex/AIR? ...

Is there an event in a Spark List that lets me know what row is highlighted?

I know you can listen for the click event on a Spark List but I need to be able to listen for a highlight event. ...

Build the connection between Arduino and Flex 4.0 via JSON

Hi, I try to make a connection between arduino and Flex 4.0, I added the JSON lib and also as3corelib.swc to Flex. When I run the Flex file the connection between PC to arduino is working (I can see it in SERPROXY window) and also I don't have any problems in Flex window, I added the SWF file of Flex to the list at //http://www.macrom...

Flex 4 & CookieUtil: problem getting cookie saved by python server

Hy! When I login with my flex app and then I want to get the cookie of the session it returns null. But if I set with flex another var and the I get it back it works. // The cookie name is "DgU00" and I do like this: var SID:* = CookieUtil.getCookie("DgU00"); // SID = null // if I do: CookieUtil.setCookie("DgU01", "abcd", 4); var SID2...

Is there a way to declare a skin inline?

Is there a way to declare a skin inline in a Flex 4 MXML Component? If not inline in the component then in the declarations or library tag? Thx ...

Why won't SelectedIndex work every other time in Flex 4?

In the following working example the list's selected index is supposed to reset to 0 whenever the text box changes. However, for some odd reason every other keystroke the selected item disappears and then reappears at the subsequent keystroke. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/200...