I am using Flex Builder 3 to write a flex component. I have created a real folder path \common. Under common I create a Linked Folder to Session.
Session points to a shared source folder with a item with a namespace of common\Session\ClassName.
When I go to compile the project FlexBuilder warns that it was unable to find the type.
I want to display the digital clock in my project which should display the server time.
What is the purpose of quick fix in Flash Builder 4? I have tried using it to auto create event listener functions, class methods or properties, local variables etc but none of these work. Does this functionality only exist in FDT? If so what does quick fix do in FB4?
For example:
Following up from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3021557/as3-printing-problem-blanks-swf-after-print-or-cancel
I am trying to comeup with a function to print without creating a sprite, because that's what it seems to be causing my problem:
public function printScreen():void {
var pJob:PrintJob = new PrintJob();
I'm searching for some code samples for my Flash application. The app is based on screen-flows , i.e each screen is defined with some visual elements with some buttons which have async events associated with them(consuming web services basically). The buttons also have functionality to go back and forth between screens and jump to any sc...
As the title suggests, is there any documentation on the FlexBuilder "expressions" tab, and what expressions it can accept?
As far as I can tell, it can show the value of variables, but that's it: comparisons, function and method calls all fail:
Edit: this is specific to FB3 — Flex Builder. Apparently FB4 — Flash Builder — is slightl...
In order to learn flex as a beginner, which version should I go for or start i.e. Flex 3 or Flex 4 ?
As you might have noticed that both have different components and architecture.
Kindly advise it in details
I have a combobox with multi selection. when i click on add button, which ever data is selected in the Combobox, those data has to be displayed in the another comboBox.
Please check the code and Can anyone of you please help me on this.
<mx:Label width="140" text="{resourceManager.getString ('resources', 'settings_con...
I've noticed that FB3/mxmlc occasionally get lazy and decide not to do static type checking.
For example, if I change a method name from oldMethod to newMethod, the compiler will produce a few "possibly undefined method" errors for some references to oldMethod, but other references will go compleatly unnoticed until runtime.
A few othe...
Is there a way to know the max resolution of a webcam ?
I need to capture images from webcam and send its on another notebook throught internet.
So I want to capture images at max resolution indipendently from webcam automatically without setting the resolution every time ( if I have a webcam with 1.3 MPixel, I want to capture images at...
Hi, I'm currently creating a class that extends UIComponent in Flex 3, but when the flash builder try to compile show me some errors
1044: Interface method createAutomationIDPartWithRequiredProperties in namespace mx.automation:IAutomationObject not implemented by class components:ArtWorkImage
1044: Interface method get automationEnabl...
I'm preparing to reorganize & refactory a Flash Builder application. The goals of the reorg are 1.) keep compile times for the part of the project I'm working on as fast as possible, 2.) keep the unrelated parts separate for code reuse. Goal #1 trumps goal #2 if there's a trade-off.
Currently, the app has assets in one project, core fun...
Hi there - desperately need your help...
["Our plan is for you to write an application, built with AIR, to drive some
command-line tools supplied with the Flex SDK
(http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Flex+SDK). These would
make use of AIR 2's NativeProcess API
I have to select date from date field in flex and store that date into SqlLite database. I
am inserting date by using this code :
dbInsertDate = datechooser.selectedDate.getFullYear().toString()+'0'+(datechooser.selectedDate.getMonth()+1).toString()+"-0"+datechooser.selectedDate.getDate().toString();
where dbInsertDate is string type...
i has a question in flex 3 i can't get vars using HTTPservice method="GET"
in the code:
<mx:HTTPService id="variables" method="GET" request="var1,var2" resultFormat="text"/>
private function init():void{
when using this url:
I'm using Flex Builder 3 and in my html-template directory I have my index.template.html. However, Flex Builder is not generating the proper binary .html file for me. What could be wrong? I've diffed the index.template.html to someone's else (whose works). Anybody have any idea?
I have a Flex Library Project which has both Flex specific classes, and Air specific classes.
When I reference the library in an Air project, the compiler complains about an overriding contextMenu in mx.containers.Panel, saying that the param should be of type NativeMenu (instead of ContextMenu). If I switch it over to NativeMenu then ...
I'm trying to wrap my brain around getting data into my project in a way that I can use..
I want to use MySQL & PHP my Flashbuilder app and I'm not populating a datagrid so......
For simplicities sake, In my database table I have 3 columns "ID, Title & Content".
I want to use this to populate the different states in my flashbuilder pr...
I've noticed that when debugging using the eclipse flash builder plugin, one cannot drill in to the key set / values of a flash.utils.Dictionary in the Variables view. Even after selecting the "Show Logical Structure" button. Does anyone else run into this issue? Is there anyway I could see the see all of the keys / values when debugg...
I have a canvas called Host with many UIComponents as children, sometimes up to 1000 or 3000 items. This is fine for now, as they are not interactive.
But, I have added a 'marker line' (a 1 pixel wide UI Component with a colored background) to the canvas which follows the mouse movement. When this UIComponent is added to the Host c...