
Newsletter slow sending - delay between 2 mails to the same server / max e-mails per hour?

I have to make a newsletter sending utility application which will collect the list of subscriber from our central database and send out the newsletter. I've considered the possibility to be blacklisted due to flooding if I just flush out all emails at once, so I decided to go on a desktop-based softwer which will email those slowly. my...

How to fight flooding for a website?

I know,time restriction implementation as adopted on stackoverflow.com is a way to fight flooding. But sometimes I really want to input another message soon after I input a previous one and I want to wait until the time restriction is lifted. Is there other elegant way to fight flooding? ...

select() on socket (trouble)

Recently I have done this part of code: http://dumpz.org/14945/ It does work, but select() works bad. When it has got last reply from server, it begins repeating last reply string with some strange characters in the beginning of reply string. So look at this: :nacbot!monitor@nac.bot PRIVMSG testuser1 :VERSION �C���C��monitor@nac.bot PR...

PHP: Anti-Flood/Spam system

Hello, I'm actually working on a PHP project that will feature a user system (Login,Register,Send lost password to email,..) and I think that this may be very vulnerable to Brute-Force attacks and/or Spam (Send a password to someone's email like 1000 times, etc. use your fantasy) . Do today's webservers (Apache, IIS) have some sort of...

Using a randomly generated token for flood control.

Basic setup of my site is: user enters a message on the homepage, hits enter and the message is sent though a AJAX request to a file called like.php where it echo's a link that gets sent back to the user. I have made the input disable when the user presses enter, but there's nothing stopping the user from just constantly flooding like.p...

Find areas in matrix..?

Hi, lets say I have a very big matrix with 10000x10000 elements all having the value '0'. Lets say there are some big 'nests' of '1's. Those areas might even be connected, but very weekly connected by a 'pipe' of '1's. I want to get an algorithm that very quickly (and dirty if necessary) finds these 'nests' of '1's. Here it shouldn't '...

Anti flood : session or db stocking ips

Hi, right now I'm using an antiflood function in all my websites : function flood($name,$time) { $name = 'tmptmptmp'.$name; if(!isset($_SESSION[$name])) { $_SESSION[$name] = time(); return true; } else { if(time()-$time > $_SESSION[$name]) { $_SESSION[$name] = time(); return true; } else { return false; }...

PHP: avoid Flood/Spam system by session ?

can I use Session avoid Flood/Spam ? ( spam in form ). I only need avoid use can repeat action as 3,4 action /s . ...