
How to dynamically update jQuery Flot from Native JSON.

Prior Information: (In case you are wondering where I am coming from) First Question: How to set a JS variable every n sec to a JSON array. Thanks to help got that all going well :) I then worked on limiting the total amount in the array, tried to set it to 10 but every time it would stop at 7.. with help from here got this working ni...

Creating canvas objects at a higher DPI than screen?

I've got a canvas object that I need to be able to create at a higher resolution than what native screen resolution is. I'm using the Flot graphs library, and I'd need to output a graph that looks just as good when it's printed as when it's displayed on screen. The only method I can think of is making the canvas size 3x larger, then sca...

Set series color

How to set colors of all series in flot as same? ...

plotting negative numbers with flot / jquery

I know Im missing something retarded here... All Im trying to do is graph f(x) = 2500 for a range of x from -75 to 75. This should make a horizontal line. Right now, I think its a misunderstanding on my part of some specifics of arrays. It starts at 0 and goes to 75 fine, it does not graph lower than 0. (I get half the line) for(x = -75...

jQuery Flot compare 2 date rage

How can compare with flot 2 differents date range and one line appears above the other, because now i have one line and then the other after the first one. Thank you. ...

Histogram in flot - Javascript

Hi folks, I'm trying to create a histogram in flot, where the bars are organized by day. I cannot find a way to merge values into 1 bar per day. __ Any ideas? ...

Strange behavior in javascript

I basically have a ul list where each li element is a radio group. I have one other function called showScores which looks like this : function showScores() { //Do heavy processing here } I am using flot plugin for graphs & Paint function actually calls $.plot only ( from flot.js) So basically everytime a user changes any radio ...

Jquery flot dual axis

hi all, Im using jquery flot for displaying chart .... i want to show dual x-axis..... both have same values.. how can i show this? Please help Regards Nisanth ...

Jquery - Flot, How can I only show points and not lines?

Okay to get started I am using Jquery-Flot to plot a radial graph I have found a plug in to create a spider graph see API here: http://www.jumware.com/Includes/jquery/Flot/Doc/JQuery.Flot.spider.html Now it works all nicely bar the fact I dont want to show the lines that connect the points. Usually with: points: { show: true}, lines: ...

MYSQL data + PHP to FLOTgraphing

Hi guys, im quite new to mysql and flot graphing, but i get the general idea. This is my scenario: I receive data from a device, in which i put into mysql database. am i wrong in saying that the new data will replace the existing data in the database? i then need to plot that on a graph, how do i get(store) the old values so i can put in...

Real time graphing with flot, mysql, php

Hi, I'm trying to draw a real time graph as my mysql table is constantly being inserted with values, like a moving graph referenced from http://kalanir.blogspot.com/2009/11/how-to-plot-moving-graphs-using-flot.html The values actually come from a carbon dioxide sensor which updates the value of the table with co2 values with positions i...

flot graphing with mysql and ajax

Hi guys, i've finally zoomed down on how to dynamically plot graphs using flot. its been a journey. currently i've got function draw() on setInterval for every 5 seconds. My Mysql table is constantly updating, and my phpfile (response.php) echos the last value. The php looks like this: //Get the last row $result = mysql_query("SELECT * ...

Add another series to existing plot with flot

I need to know how I can easily add another series to an existing plot using Flot. Here is how I currently plot a single series: function sendQuery(){ var host_name = $('#hostNameInput').val(); var objectName = $('#objectNameSelect option:selected').text(); var instanceName = $('#instanceNameSelect option:selected').text(); var counterN...

Flot Stacked Bar Chart and displaying bar values on mouse over

Hi, I'm trying to understand the tooltip functionality of Flot but not really getting my head around it! I am trying to achieve a tooltip that displays the label and value of each section of a stacked bar chart Would someone be able to point my towards an example of this or provide code for doing so? ...

What kind of algorithm makes a curve like this (img) & can it be done in javascript for flot?

And can you give me an example of an algorithm? EDIT: And then how would I calculate the math using Javascript? Can someone add that? Sorry to not include that context originally.. NOTE: I am using 'flot' to graph it and the input for flot is a javascript array like this: [[x,y],[x,y],[x,y]...] So given the values that change the cu...

Flot mousehover algorithm to detect purely based on x location?

Using jQuery's flot, there's a way to allow items to be selected by hovering over them. In the options, grid[mouseActiveRadius] may be set to a number to indicate the desired length of the radius of the selection circle. For instance, if you set it to 10, then any mouse hover event will highlight the closest point in a 10 pixel radius c...

Documentation for SO reputation graph (Flot)

Hello, is there any documentation available to build Flot graph similar to what we can find in the SO profile/reputation tab? from the source code I can see that data is queried at this address: /users/rep-graph/341106/" + ranges.xaxis.from.toFixed(1) + "/" + ranges.xaxis.to.toFixed(1) but I don't know the values from and to fields i...

I would like json_encode in PHP to return a JSON array even if the indices are not in order...

but according to this: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php#94157 it won't. I'm using flot so I need to have an array with numeric indexes returned but what I'm getting is this: jsonp1282668482872 ( {"label":"Hits 2010-08-20","data":{"1281830400":34910,"1281916800":45385,"1282003200":56928,"1282089600":53884,"1282176...

Using dates in jQuery Flot display

I'm trying to use Flot to plot a graph with dates. I've followed the advice on this string: here but it doesn't seem to work for me. Here is my modified JavaScript (from that other question): $(document).ready(function () { var d1 = [[1262818800,100],[1262732400,100],[1262646000,100]]; var d2 = [[1262818800,23],[1262732400,2...

Multi bar chat with Flot

Any sample code for chart with multiple bars using flot ?? similar to this example . The given patched files are not working for me. Anywhere I can download the latest files for multi bar graph. Update I am sure Flot is a very good library but plugins/add-ons are not available easily and the examples given on the website are very basi...