
Is there a fluent assertion API for MSTest?

I've recently been exposed to the fluent interface in nUnit and I love it; however, I am using msTest. Does anyone know if there is a fluent interface that is either testing framework agnostic or for msTest? Thanks, Josh ...

Multi-level inheritence with fluent interface in C#

Given the sample console application below: QUESTION #1: Why does .Name() return typeof OranizationBuilder, but .Write() calls CorporationBuilder? QUESTION #2: How to get .Name() to return typeof CorporationBuilder? namespace MyCompany { using System; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { ...

Fluent API and Method-Chaining Style Usage

When programming against a fluent API or just using method-chaining, I've seen the style mostly like this: var obj = objectFactory.CreateObject() .SetObjectParameter(paramName, value) .SetObjectParameter(paramName, value) .DoSomeTransformation(); What is the reasoning behind putting the dot at the beginning of the line ins...

Library development - looking for valid use cases for suggested feature

I'm contributing to a library called Fasterflect whose purpose is "improving the developer experience of using reflection". As such, it provides an abstraction built on top of classic reflection and would be used in exactly the same scenarios. The following shows the current syntax for accessing members via an object instance: obj.SetP...

how is FLUENT api different from other API

i have come across fluent api while studying DSLs. i have searched alot on FLUENT API..the basic conclusion which i could draw out was that fluent api uses method chaining in order to make the code fluent. but i cannot understand that in object oriented languages we can always create an object and can call the methods related to it. then...

fluent interface program in Ruby

we have made the following code and trying to run it. class Numeric def gram self end alias_method :grams, :gram def of(name) ingredient = Ingredient.new(name) ingredient.quantity=self return ingredient end end class Ingredient def initialize(n) @@name= n end def quantity=(o) @@quant...