
FMJ Webcam capture example

I've been searching for while now and I can't find a simple example of how to capture a webcam stream with FMJ. Are there any tutorials or examples available which could help me? ...

Video playback in Java ( JMF, Fobs4JMF, Xuggler, FMJ )

I need simple video playback in Java. Here are my requirements: PRODUCTION QUALITY Open and decode video files whose video and audio codecs can be chosen by me. I.E I can pick well behaving codecs. Be able to play, pause, seekToFrame OR seekToTime and stop playback. Essentially I wish to be able to play segments of a single video file...

Capturing video & storing on hard disk in .3gp format (fmj)

I want to develop a java application to capture video from a usb web cam and store in .3gp format onto the hard disk. Please provide me working code (if any) that stores the video in .3gp format.please help me friends. ...

Problems creating an RTP stream with JMF

I'm at the very early stages of a project requiring the broadcasting, using RTP, of a DataStream created from a MediaLocation. I'm following some example code which currently failingin on the rptManager.initalize(localAddress) with the error "Can't open local data port: xxxx", specifically: Exception in thread "main"

How to capture audio AND video with FMJ

I can capture video and audio separately, but the createMergingDataSource method of the class in FMJ just throws an UnsupportedOperationException. Is there another way to capture audio and video and encode them in AVI (or any other format). ...