
How to save video stream from webcam as an image instead of an flv video file using flash?

This will create an flv video file on flash media server: var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); ns.publish("yourCamera", "record"); ns.attachVideo(Camera.get()); How can I generate an image for the current video frame every 2 seconds? ...

Calculation Behind Send buffersize and receive buffersize

i have created a java program which uses red5 server to stream sequence of images as live. my output video is stickekni after 2 seconds . i know there is problem with send and receive buffer size .. how to calculate buffersize ? my image is of size 320 X 240 and frame persecond is 4 ...

create a simple live drawing board/whiteboard application using flash as3, and flash media server 3.5.

How do I create a simple live drawing board/whiteboard functionality using flash as3, and flash media server 3.5. ...

Live streaming h.264 with FMLE 3.1 and FMS 3 not showing video

I'm using FMLE 3.1 to stream live video encoded with H.264 format with FMS 3 and Flash player 10 + AS 3 to connect to the stream. When I connect to the stream, just the audio is played. I'm able even to get the metadata information about the video, but I just receive the audio. I already tried some stuff like "Flash 10 won't play ...

Flash Media Server + Database Connection? Mysql?

Is there a good way to connect from Flash Media Server 2 to a Database (mysql)? If not, where does everybody store for example their user data? The application crashes once per day, so thats why I need to save the important data into a database. And also to validate certain userdata, for example username/password. Thank you in advanc...

Installing FMS on x86_64,fedora

When I follow the steps installing FMS 3.0.5 on linux, get this error: [root@server FMS_3_0_5_r601]# ./installFMS ERROR: Your architecture, \'x86_64\', is not supported by the Adobe Flash Media Server installer. [root@server FMS_3_0_5_r601]# Anyone managed to install it on x86_64 linux so far? ...

Does Flash Media Server support audio?

Can some illustrate how to stream audio to fms with actionscript? ...

Flex: Multi bitrate switching between live streams using the VideoDisplay component

I am passing to the source property of a VideoDisplay component a DynamicStreamingVideoSource object with 3 different dynamic live stream items, described by this XML, for your consideration: src="rtmp://" bitrate="19200" src="rtmp://" bitrate=...

How to calcurate bit rate when publish to or play stream from flash media server?

Anyone managed to calculate this? ...

How to publish real time video stream of IP camera to flash media server with flash?

Does flash provide an api to deal with remote stream like IP camera does? ...

Is it possible for multiple clients to modify the same stream synchronously with FMS in flash?

Like what we see in a web conference software, is it possible with Flash Media Server? ...

Flash media server with php

We want to build an application that allows the user to record a video using their webcam on our site using flash and save the URL in a database using PHP. So that we can allow the user to send the video's to other users etc. Also we want to offer the user the possibility to upload their movies (per mail and with PHP) and convert them t...

Why I can't connect to FMS with rtmpe ?

This works: NetConnection.connect("rtmp://"); But this fails: NetConnection.connect("rtmpe://"); Anyone has an idea? ...

Is it possible to apply different Camera Settings to different NetStreams while publish one camera source with flash media server?

I'm told that it's impossible to adjust FPS,video size and quality per the bitrate while playing a live stream, so is it possible to publish one camera source with different settings to different NetStreams in FMS? ...

How to publish multiple bit rate(MBR) live video?

I've searched quite a few threads: dynamicStream.addStream("livestream1",200); dynamicStream.addStream("livestream2",400); dynamicStream.addStream("livestream2",600); vid.play2(dynam...

Server-side actionscript: 'Method not found' error on NetConnection

The 'client' property of NetConnection instances seems to behave differently on the server side. Say I have FMS apps A and B. Now I want to connect from B to A using NetConnection like this: var bClient = new NetConnection(); bClient.client = { foo:function(){ trace ('Foo called!') } } bClient.connect(APP_A_URI); App A accepts the cl...

flash media server FMS 3.5 and IIS on same machine

We are deploying a media management system within a local network. FMS will be used to serve the media within the local network. Since we will only have max 100 users and we have a powerful dual 4 core xeon and the plan was to install IIS and FMS on the same machine. But now I read that there will be a conflict because the embedded Apach...

Is there a solution to deliver multi-bit rate(dynamic stream) live video from pc camera other than FMLE?

I'd like to do it with actionscript, but so far I only found it's only possible with FMLE,which works as a standalone application. ...

Streaming live video over RTMFP using a format other than Spark

I would like to serve high quality video (H.264) between a server and a single Flash Player client with low latency (RTMFP). The single client will be controlling a robotic device and seeing the results through the video stream, so low latency is important. Option A: The Flash Player supports low latency streaming of video between two P...

How to read or extract cuepoints created live, with Nestream.send() in Flash Media Server?

Im doing live streaming directly from webcam like Ustream.TV. Im using Flash Media Server 3.5, and I record cuepoints of broadcaster with the method ns = new NetStream(); ns.send('functionName' , 'value'); I publish the content and record it in a .flv file. However when I download this FLV file and extract the metadata with tools like ...