
jquery focusin() and preventing bubbling.

UPDATE 2: I slept on it and then whipped up some sample code to try and further figure out the issue. Here's a sample using the console.log of firebug to show you which object is triggering the focusin event: 1) click the first link: yellow div shows 2) hit the tab key: It should tab into the link within t...

jquery: when i click a div, give focus to a textbox.

$('.my-button').click(function() { $(".my-textbox").focus() }); Before Jquery 1.4 this used to be the way to call focus to a textbox, now it doesn't work. When I click the button, I want to call focus to the textbox, what i mean by "focus", is that I want the textbox to act like it was just clicked on, so that the user will not hav...

Why the "focusin" event handler isn't called ?

Why in the following code the focusin event handler isn't called ? HTML: <div id='wrapper'></div> <div id='button'>Click Here</div> <div id='output'></div> JS: $(function() { $('input').live('focusin', function() { $('#output').html('focusin'); // Why this not happens ? }); $('#button').click(function() { ...