
Grant Permission to Folder using PHP

I need to grant write permission to temporary folder of all local machine (if it does not have)which access my php site. Is it possible using PHP? ...

Microsoft IIS: how can I change file permissions ?

how can I change file/folders permissions on Microsoft IIS ? Should I use icacls ? Can I use it from ftp ? I'm currently logged in with Microsoft ftp protocol but I get: ftp> icacls ?Invalid command. What's the equivalent of ls -l (to see the permissions) and chmod -R folder +arwx thanks ...

Why C function _stat does not set errno properly when access is denied to the folder

I'm developing a C-program with VS2005 and I found out that when folder access is restricted in a way that I can't create folders or delete anything from a folder the _stat function for the folder does not set errno correctly. errno is set to value ENOENT. I absolutely cannot modify the permissions so I could get value EACCES. Either _st...