
Network Service user vanished on IIS7.5 on Windows7

I'm installing the ASP .net on Win7, and I need give permission to ASP .net to use the project folder. I have tried Network Service and didn't work; Win7 didn't find that user. I know that previously the user was ASPNET and later is Network Service, but now, something changed or I'm doing something wrong. Please help me. Edit: *I lear...

How do I get the security details for a long path?

Hello, I am doing a file server migration and I'm writing a small C# app to help me map the user permissions so we can put them in user groups. I'm currently using Directory.GetAccessControl(path); However it fails when it get to this 263 char file path. Invalid name. Parameter name: name I get the same error when I use Dir...

Setting directory security to allow user and deny all

I have winforms app, in which I need to access a secured directory. I'm using impersonation and create WindowsIdentity to access the folder. My problem is writing unit tests to test the directory security; I'd like to a write a code that creates a directory secured to only ONE user, which isn't the current user running the UT (or else ...