
When opening a file in append mode, how can I reposition the file pointer?

I am trying to insert some data into the middle of a file. I have opened the file in append mode as: file = fopen(msg->header.filename, "ab"); I then tried a seek to the desired offset in the file as so: fseek(file, msg->header.offset, SEEK_SET); However, when I then try an fwrite as so: int bytesWritten = fwrite(msg->message, 1, ...

Save file with C fopen

I did a program in C but it does not allow to save on c:\SomeDirectory\afile.txt I'm using this: FILE* m_hFile = fopen("c:\\SomeDirectory\\afile.txt", "a+t"); fprintf(m_hFile, "testing"); fclose(m_hFile); Why that? Is there a defined folder I can save in? SomeDirectory is previously created. I'm using Windows 7 OS. ...

PHP mkdir() and fopen() does not work - permissions problem? umask problem?

The following PHP script fails to create the directory. It will also fail to create the file (when the directory already exists). ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); define('ABSPATH', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); echo ABSPATH . '<br /><br />'; $dir_to_make = ABSPATH . '/aaatest'; $file_to_make = ABSPATH . '/aaatest/aaatest.txt'; echo u...